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Professional Power Cadd
Computer Aided Design and Drafting
Copyright (C) 1992 by Professional Power Cadd, Inc.
ProCadd Operating Manual Version 6.5.0w
Please Address All Correspondence To:
Professional Power Cadd Development Group
Post Office Box 24967
New Orleans, LA 70184-4967
Voice and FAX : (504) 394-9557
BBS : (504) 393-8664
Voice lines are staffed Monday thru Friday 8AM - 5PM CDT
BBS and FAX transmission will be received all hours.
BBS support will be responded to by the end of the following
business day. Personalized customer support as well as updates
and news will be posted for all registered users. All responses
will be posted on the board.
Registered users, please log on with your program Serial Number in
order to assign you proper access.
For non-registered users, limited support as well as sales
information is available on the board.
License Agreement ........................................ 9
1.0 Introduction ......................................... 12
2.0 System Requirements .................................. 14
2.1 Minimum Requirements ............................. 14
2.2 Recommended Hardware ............................. 14
2.3 Hardware Notes ................................... 14
3.0 Installation ......................................... 16
4.0 Getting Started - Quick Start ........................ 18
4.1 Execution ........................................ 18
4.2 Direct Execution ................................. 18
4.3 Special Features ................................. 18
4.31 On Line Help
4.32 Shell to DOS
4.33 Status Command
4.34 Play Command
4.35 Icon for Windows
4.4 Program Notes .................................... 19
5.0 Basic Concepts ....................................... 21
5.1 Look and Feel of ProCadd ......................... 21
5.2 Drawing and Drawing Area ......................... 22
5.3 Elements and Entities ............................ 23
5.4 Displayable Attributes ........................... 23
5.5 Active Drawing Files ............................. 23
5.6 Input Devices .................................... 24
6.0 Facilities ........................................... 25
6.1 Position Facilities .............................. 25
6.11 Picking A Point ............................... 25
6.111 Keyboard
6.112 Mouse or Light Pen
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6.12 Picking A Point - Geometrically ............... 27
6.121 Last Point
6.122 Grid On/Off
6.123 Align
6.124 Circle Center
6.125 Midpoint
6.126 Intersect
6.127 Direction and Distance
6.128 Ports
6.129 Hold
6.2 Distance Facilities .............................. 32
6.21 Numeric Entry
6.22 Point Location
6.23 Geometric Interpretation
6.3 Direction Facilities ............................. 33
6.31 Numeric Entry
6.32 Rose Selection
6.33 Point Location
6.34 Geometric Interpretation
6.4 Metric Program Operation ......................... 34
7.0 Drawing Functions .................................... 36
7.1 Line Drawing Functions ........................... 36
7.101 All Directions Parameter
7.102 Four Directions Limit Parameter
7.103 Eight Directions Limit Parameter
7.104 Isometric Line Limit Parameter
7.105 Tangent To Parameter
7.11 Point to Point Defined Lines
7.12 Slope and Point Defined Lines
7.13 Chain Line Creation
7.14 Modify Existing Lines Line
7.15 Modify One End of Existing Lines
7.16 Trim Existing Line
7.17 Break Line Into Segments
7.2 Rectangle Drawing Functions ...................... 40
7.21 Point to Point Defined Rectangles
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7.22 Center and Point Defined Rectangles
7.23 Concentric Rectangles
7.3 Circle Drawing Functions ......................... 42
7.31 Circle .......................................... 42
7.311 Center and Point Defined Circles
7.312 Point and Center Circle Definition
7.313 Concentric Circles
7.314 Three Points Perimeter Defined Circles
7.315 Radius, Point and Point Defined Circles
7.316 Tangent and Tangent Defined Circles
7.32 Arc ........................................... 46
7.321 Three points Defined Arcs
7.322 Radius, Point and Point Defined Arcs
7.323 Tangent and Tangent Defined Arcs
7.33 Modify Existing Arcs .......................... 48
7.4 Window On The Drawing ............................ 48
7.41 Set the Size of the Window Viewing Area
7.42 Set the Boundaries of the Window Viewing Area
7.43 Reload the Drawing
7.44 Layer Control
7.45 Window View Locator
7.451 Window View Locator Panning ....... 51
8.0 Drawing Utilities .................................... 53
8.1 Move Function .................................... 53
8.11 Move Entities or Groups ....................... 53
8.111 Bring Others Along
8.112 Extend Existing Lines
8.113 Reconnect Lines
8.12 Plumb Aligned Movement ........................ 55
8.13 Level Aligned Movement ........................ 55
8.2 Copy Entities or Groups .......................... 56
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8.21 Move the Copy ................................. 56
8.211 Repeat the Copy
8.212 Repeat the Copy by Count
8.213 Repeat the Copy Distance
8.214 Copy Other Entities
8.22 Rotate Entities ............................... 58
8.221 Repeat the Rotation
8.222 Repeat Count the Rotation by Count
8.223 Repeat Angle Limit
8.224 Copy Other Elements
8.23 Copy to Form an Array ......................... 59
8.3 Grouping of Elements - Temporary Groups .......... 60
8.31 Select the Elements for the Group
8.32 Deselect the Elements for the Group
8.33 Select All for the Group
8.34 Deselect All of the Group
8.4 Combine - Permanent Groups ....................... 62
8.41 Combine Elements for the Group
8.411 Add To The Group
8.42 Separate Elements from the Group
8.5 Dimension ........................................ 63
8.501 Accept the Dimension as Specified
8.502 Cancel the Dimension Definition
8.503 Move the Dimension Arrow and Label
8.504 Move the Label
8.505 Internal/External Arrow Orientation
8.506 Text Size Equals Parameter
8.507 Arrow Size Equals Parameter
8.508 Feet/Inches Shown
8.509 Resolution Equals
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8.51 Parallel Dimension Measurement
8.52 Horizontal Component Measurement
8.53 Vertical Component Measurement
8.54 Angular Dimension Measurement
8.55 Radial Dimension Measurement
8.56 Dimension Label Modification
8.57 Arc Length Circumfrential Measurement
8.6 Text Creation and Edition ........................ 68
8.61 Inserting Text
8.611 Real/Fast Text Mode
8.612 Size Equals Parameter
8.613 Rotation Equals Parameter
8.614 Spacing Equals Parameter
8.615 Left/Center/Right Text Justification
8.616 Font Equals Parameter
8.617 Normal, Bold, Italics and Underlined Text
8.62 Moving Text
8.7 Sectioning An Area ............................... 70
8.71 Entity, Element and Point Defined
8.72 Draw Section Lines - Cancel All/Last
8.73 Direction and Distance Defined
8.8 Deleting Entities ................................ 72
9.0 Special Drawing Functions ............................ 73
9.1 Rotating Entities ................................ 73
9.11 Rotation Angle
9.12 Mirror Axis
9.2 Scaling the Drawing .............................. 75
9.3 Translating An Entity ............................ 75
9.31 Scaling Ratio Definition
9.32 Rotation Angle Parameter
9.33 Mirror Angle Axis Definition
9.34 Drag Box/All
9.4 Displayable Attributes ........................... 77
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9.41 Enquire About Existing Attributes
9.42 Set Layer Location
9.43 Set Width Definition
9.44 Set Line Structure
9.45 Set Color of Lines
9.46 Set All Attributes
9.5 Ellipse Drawing Function ......................... 80
9.51 Ellipse
9.511 Center and Point Defined
9.512 Center, Ratio and Rotation Defined
9.52 Concentric Ellipses
9.53 Elliptic Arcs
9.54 Modifying Ellipses
9.6 Spline Drawing Function .......................... 84
9.61 New Spline Creation
9.62 Adding Points to Splines
9.63 Deleting Spline Points
9.64 Moving Spline Points
9.65 Defining Endpoint Slopes
9.7 Fillet Drawing Function .......................... 87
9.8 Ports On Entities ................................ 88
10.0 Utilities ........................................... 90
10.1 Drawing File Maintenance ......................... 90
10.101 Drawing File Sorting
10.102 Finding a Drawing
10.103 Drawing Display Filter
10.104 Location Path Display
10.105 File Name Display
10.106 Drawing Number
10.107 Drawing Revision Number
10.108 Drawing Description
10.11 New Drawings
10.12 Drawing Retrieval
10.13 Combining Drawings
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10.14 Drawing Storage
10.15 Deleting Drawings
10.16 Creating Drawing Directories
10.17 Deleting Drawing Directories
10.2 Plotting Drawings ................................ 95
10.21 Pen Color Selection
10.22 Line Structure Selection
10.23 Line Widths Selection
10.24 Drawing Scales
10.25 Paper Size and Orientation
10.26 Plotter Selection
10.27 Plot Size
10.28 Plot Margins
10.3 Drawing Set Up ................................... 100
10.31 Setting Drawing Scales
10.32 Setting Drawing Grid Origins
10.4 Exiting ProCadd .................................. 101
11.0 Symbols and Symbol Files ............................ 102
11.1 Symbols .......................................... 102
11.11 Entering Symbols
11.12 Creating Symbols
11.13 Deleting Symbols
11.14 Deleting a Page of Symbols
11.15 Deleting All Symbols in a File
11.2 Symbol Files ..................................... 106
11.21 Getting a Symbol Set
11.22 Combining Symbol Sets
11.23 Saving a Symbol Set
11.24 Deleting a Symbol File
11.25 Creating a Symbol Directory
11.26 Deleting a Symbol Directory
12.0 Parts Library ....................................... 111
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12.1 Standard Parts ................................... 111
12.11 Getting a Part
12.12 Combing Parts into a Drawing
12.13 Saving a Part
12.14 Deleting a Part File
12.15 Creating a Parts Directory
12.16 Deleting a Parts Directory
Index of Key Words ....................................... 117
A - Function Key Index ................................ 121
B - Font Definition ................................... 122
D - Parameter File Definitions ....................... 124
E - Plotter Device Driver Definitions ................. 140
F - Troubleshooting ................................... 145
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COPYRIGHT (C) 1992 Professional Power Cadd Inc.
All Rights Reserved.
Terms of This Agreement
Your use of this package indicates your acceptance of the following
terms and conditions:
1. Copyright: These programs and the related documentation are
copyright Professional Power Cadd Inc. You may not use, copy,
modify, or transfer the programs, documentation, or any copy except as
expressly provided in this agreement.
2. License: You have the non-exclusive right to use any enclosed
program only on a single computer at a time. You may load the program
into your computers temporary memory (RAM). You may physically
transfer the program from one computer to another, provided that the
program is used on only one computer at a time. You may not distribute
copies of the complete package or the accompanying documentation to
others. You may not decompile, disassemble, reverse engineer, modify,
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or translate the program or the documentation. You may not attempt to
unlock or bypass any copy protection utilized with the program. You
may distribute the installation program, along with the unpacking
program, as long as its intended use is to install an application other
then itself, on a users machine. You may not remove any copyright
All other rights and uses not specifically granted in this license are
reserved by Professional Power Cadd Inc.
3. Back-up and Transfer: You may make one (1) copy of the program
solely for back-up purposes. You must reproduce and include the
copyright notice on the back-up copy. You may transfer the product to
another party only if the other party agrees to the terms and
conditions of this agreement and completes and returns a registration
card to ProCadd Development Group.
If you transfer the program you must at the same time transfer the
documentation and back-up copy or transfer the documentation and
destroy the back-up copy.
4. Terms: This license is effective until terminated. You may
use ProCadd for a trial period of thirty days at no cost to you to
determine if it fits your needs. If you decide to use Procadd
regularly you are expected to register it and pay the applicable
registration fee. Individual copies of the unregistered version of
this program may be given to your friends and associates for the same
thirty day free trial period.
You may terminate this agreement by destroying the program, the
documentation and copies thereof.
This license will also terminate if you fail to comply with any terms
or conditions of this agreement. You agree upon such termination to
destroy all copies of the program and of the documentation.
The shareware concept
Shareware is copyrighted software which is distributed by authors
through bulletin boards, on-line services, disk vendors, and copies
passed among friends. It is commercial software that you are allowed
to try before you pay for it. This makes shareware the ultimate in
money back guarantees.
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Most money back guarantees work like this: you pay for the product and
then have some period of time to try it out and see whether or not you
like it. If you don't like it or find that it doesn't do that you
need, you return it and you get your money back. Some software
companies won't even let you try their product, since to qualify for a
refund, the diskette envelope must have an unbroken seal.
With shareware you get to try it for a reasonable limited time (like 30
days), without spending a penny. You are able to use the software on
your own system(s), in your own special work environment, with no sales
people looking over your shoulder. If you decide not to continue using
it, you throw it away and forget all about it. There is no paperwork,
no phone calls, and no correspondence to waste your valuable time. You
only pay for it if you continue to use it.
Shareware is a distribution method, not a type of software. Shareware
is produced by accomplished programmers, just like retail software.
There is good and bad shareware, just as there is good and bad retail
software. The primary difference between shareware and retail software
is that with shareware you know if it's good or bad before you pay for
You benefit because you get to use the software to determine whether it
meets your needs, before you pay for it.
The shareware system and the continued availability of quality
shareware products depend on your willingness to register and pay for
the shareware you use. It's the registration fees you pay which allow
us to support and continue to develop our products. Please show your
support for shareware by registering those programs you actually use
and by passing them on to others. Shareware is kept alive by your
What do I get when I register?
If you like ProCadd and you choose to use it, you must register it.
You are not allowed to keep, use, ProCadd unless you register. When
you register, we send the latest version of the package.
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Professional Power Cadd is a computer aided design and drafting
software system introduced as a user tailored program written
specifically for the engineer, architect, designer, draftsman, or
novice user.
Professional Power Cadd is the most powerful, easiest to use
Cadd program available today.
Professional Power Cadd was originally developed to fill a need that
was unfulfillable by any other program. As is common today, a
majority of Cadd programs are slow, clumsy and complicated. As the
years have gone by and customer demands have increased, the traditional
packages have added on to the existing program's foundation making
their packages top heavy, bulky and loosely footed.
In 1985, when no commercial Cadd program with the power and versatility
that a successful business required was available, the author of
Professional Power Cadd set out to fill that need for his own
His primary goal was the development of a package that was above all
else, simple to use.
ProCadd requires NO SCHOOLING whatsoever.
Within a few short minutes the novice user can begin to draw basic
elements which would take days or weeks to learn how to draw on other
ProCadd's registered version 7.0.0 is compatible with most graphics
programs including Corel Draw 3.0. Corel can directly import
ProCadd drawings and manipulate them to wrap, stretch, graphically
accentuate or add 3D.
Version 7.0.0 includes the Corel Draw 3.0 interface.
ProCadd is menu driven to allow the operator to utilize many functions
without having to memorize complex codes and commands.
ProCadd allows the user to use a piece of paper as large or as small as
is needed and in Real World Coordinates, allowing the user to enter
elements and dimensions as they are or would be.
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The overwhelming strengths of ProCadd lie in it's logical,
straightforward approaches to the art of drafting and design. ProCadd,
however, deceives with it's power and versatility.
The highly precise Floating Point Format allows the user to maintain an
accuracy level beyond any other Cadd program today.
SafeSave triple protects your work against sudden or mistaken loss.
We will begin by stressing the basic concepts by which the operator
relates to ProCadd.
Basic reference terminology like "element" and "entity" are important
along with understanding of the "drawing area" and the "active
drawing". All will be emphasized.
The concepts of facilities, of which there are several, such as
position facilities and direction facilities are the most important.
These assist the operator in locating points throughout the ProCadd
environment or specifically the environment created by the operator by
the application of entities within the drawing.
We will discuss Windows within the environment, focusing on certain
parts of the drawing and scales as well.
With a basic understanding of these operating parameters, ProCadd
becomes an instrument by which the operator can create.
We will then proceed to drawing functions such as line and circle
followed by a series of utilities from copy to delete.
Next, descriptions of enhanced drawing functions, including ellipse
and fillet will be provided. Finally special utilities and libraries
will be discussed.
If at any time you wish assistance, technical staff will be pleased to
help by simply contacting our ProCadd BBS via computer modem. The
responses to your questions will be posted on the board for you to pick
up by the end of the following business day at 5:00 p.m. CDT USA.
If you require voice assistance, you may contact our sales offices at
(504) 394-9557.
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1. PC-DOS or MS-DOS version 3.3 or higher.
2. IBM 80286, 80386 or 80486 or 100% compatible.
3. 640K Bytes of memory.
4. Video: CGA, EGA, VGA or better.
5. Microsoft Mouse or compatible.
6. Hard Disk Drive with 2 megabyte free.
1. 80386 100% compatible or better
2. VGA or better
3. 640K plus 1 megabyte expanded.
1. ProCadd will automatically use all expanded and extended
memory available as a swap area for overlays. This speeds
up overlay swapping, i.e. switching functions.
2. ProCadd utilizes an auto detect fall back sequence which
automatically senses your video capabilities beginning at
VGA and falls back as far as CGA as necessary. If you
desire, however, ProCadd can support up to VESA standard
1280 x 1024.
If it is necessary to fallback to CGA or EGA display types,
the program's drawing area will be substantially reduced.
For information on setting ProCadd to display other
resolutions, see the Parameter File Definitions, Appendix D.
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3. ProCadd uses a temporary location as a video swapping area.
In order to speed up ProCadd's display building process ,you
may wish to set up a ram drive and target your tmp files to
it. This should speed things up considerably. See your DOS
manual about setting up the ram drive. The common syntax
is "device=[path to DOS]\ramdrive.sys [memory allocation]
See the Parameter File Definitions section of your manual
for specifics about directing the tmp files to the ram
Since the ram drive would be used for video switching which
is only a representation of the drawing and the drawing
files are stored on your hard disk, your drawings are not
vulnerable to power loss affecting the ram drive.
4. Another use for the ram drive, thereby speeding up the
program, is to target the entity or active files to be
switched to and from the ram drive.
This is dangerous, however, making the integrity of your
work subject to power loss and requiring unprompted saving
of your drawings and symbol files prior to turning off your
computer or they will not be stored.
If you wish to use a ram drive as a temporary storage and
working directory for the active file, you can direct this
file to that location by the following methods.
a. To use the entity file, ent.ses on ram drive f: and load
a drawing, my.dwg from the directory d:\dwgs, do so as
C> cad d:\dwgs\my.dwg f:ent.ses
b. Specify in your parameters file as specified in Appendix
D a parameter as follows where the ram drive is f:
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By reading this document we assume that you've downloaded and un
compressed the ProCadd program and related files. In order to install
the program, type "install" at the location of the program files.
The install routine will create a program directory in the drive where
it currently resides along will several related sub directories as
required for program operation.
These are:
\CAD650 - parent - program, help, document, and related files
\CAD650\session - sub directory - parameters, entity files
\CAD650\drawings - sub directory - default drawing storage area
\CAD650\symbols - sub directory - default symbols storage area
\CAD650\stdparts - sub directory - default parts storage area
\CAD650\plotters - sub directory - plotter driver selection location
\CAD650\fonts - sub directory - font selection location
The \drawings sub directory will contain several sample drawings which
you are free display and modify for testing purposes.
The \symbols directory contains symbol sets for trial purposes.
We encourage you to register ProCadd and have several levels at which
you can do so. Please review "1st_info.txt" for ordering information.
Upon installing ProCadd, the procedure will inform you that the program
will be set up in a \CAD650 directory and will prompt you to "press any
key to continue".
If you choose not to continue, press "CTRL-C" to abort.
Once the installation is complete, proceed to your new \CAD650
directory and type "procad" to start the program.
The default program is with a black background. If you prefer a white
background, refer to "params.txt" or Appendix D of the ProCadd
Operations Manual for alternate color schemes.
As a result of installing ProCadd, you,ve been given a number of files
including the program, drawing files, symbol files, session files,
help files, plotter drivers, fonts and various documents as described
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1. cadmanul.txt - ProCadd Operations Manual text file
The manual formed in popular word processor formats is
available on the ProCadd BBS.
2. relnotes.txt - The Release Notes document includes product
information including update information.
3. 1st_info.txt - This document contains price and ordering
4. params.txt - This document is a description of the available
custom program options as can be inserted in the Parameters
File. This information is also available in Appendix D of
the ProCadd Oprerations Manual.
As a matter of interest we have listed below the file by file
contents of these dirctories so that verification of completness
can be ascertained.
\CAD650 \drawings \session \fonts
cad.exe sampelec.dwg dnm.ses f0.s
1st_info.txt sampfil.dwg ent.ses f1.s
cad.ico samphous.dwg kotek3 f1.w
caddstar.phd samplay.dwg kotek4
cadmanul.txt sampsen.dwg params
params.txt samptxt.dwg sp.ses
phdr.exe sym.ses
procad.bat mary3
relnotes.txt mary4
\plotters \symbols \stdparts
hi electsym.sym <empty>
hp mecansym.sym
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To begin ProCadd, enter the \CAD650 directory or any other as you
have specified upon installation where your ProCadd program files
are located, and type "procad".
The program will start and the active drawing will load which is
the drawing present when ProCadd was last exited.
1. To execute ProCadd and instruct the program to go directly to a
specific drawing use the following execution string.
[procad path] procad [drawing.extension]
2. Another method of loading a drawing file directly into the
program upon execution is to specify that drawing in the
"cadfile=" parameter as explained in Appendix D - Parameters
4.31 HELP
At any time while in ProCadd, On Line Help is available to the
user complete with all major function descriptions as well as
a handy function key assignment table upon entering.
To enter the help sections click on the Help option at any
menu or press "Ctrl-F1".
When entering the Help menus, the program will remain resident
in order to facilitate a speedy transfer to and from the Help
If however, your system is too over burdened with resident
operations, ProCadd will notify you an unload before bringing
up the Help menu. Upon exiting the help section, ProCadd will
automatically reload.
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Once at the Help menu, double click on the highlighted menu
item of interest and help on the appropriate topic will
Note: If you need assistance in tidying up your operating
system and minimizing your resident requirements so that the
Help files will run resident, please refer to APPENDIX _.
ProCadd will shell to DOS while remaining resident as a
convenience to the operator.
At any time the user can type "EXIT" and ProCadd will return.
Shell to DOS by typing "Ctrl-F2".
Press "Ctrl-F3" while anywhere within the program and ProCadd's
Status will display at the bottom of the screen.
The program name will display followed by the release and
version number. Then the serial number of your program will
appear and finally will be the available base memory.
4.34 PLAY
Pressing "Ctrl-F3" will also play a sample of the system prompts
as described and defined in the parameters file. See APPENDIX D
- Parameter File Definitions for an explanation.
Along with your program files you'll find a file named
"cad.ico" to be used as your Windows icon if desired.
1. The SafeSave feature of ProCadd takes every step possible to
ensure that your work is not lost. At any given time your
drawing can be saved or residing in as many as four places.
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Your current Active Drawing which resides in memory is
periodically and unbeknownst to the user updated to what's
called the Entity File which is named specifically "ent.ses" and
is default kept in your \SESSION directory.
When you save your drawing in your \DRAWINGS directory, the
Entity File is copied in it's current status to a place and file
name as directed. If the file name already exists, then the
file being overwritten is renamed to [filename].bak.
So as you operate within ProCadd and Create your drawing and
save it periodically it will reside in memory, as a entity file,
in your storage directory, and as a previous version in the form
of a ".bak" file.
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The layout of the ProCadd screen is highlighted by a large drawing
"Window" on an unlimited drawing area.
To the right or left, as your install parameters file determines,
there is a menu section.
At the initial or main menu there are thirty menu functions
represented by a brief describing word or phrase. These main
functions can be invoked by pointing and clicking or by function
These functions are grouped in sets of four. The first twelve are
keyboard selected by "F1" through "F12" and the second twelve are
selected by "Shift-F1" through "Shift F-12". The next six are
keyboard selected by "Ctrl-F1" through "Ctrl-F6".
After selecting the appropriate function, a function subset is
displayed in the menu section.
The entered main function being displayed, and highlighted on the
top, is followed by a set of appropriate sub functions which are in
turn followed by sub function parameters which when asked for have
an accenting asterisk before them.
Beneath the sub function parameters are attributes which relate to
the appearance of the elements of the drawing.
And below these is a window status area which locates the window
within the drawing as well as identifying the current scale.
Finally, there are facilities options, which when invoked prompt
appropriate system requests or assists.
To return to the main menu, click on the highlighted menu title or
press "ESC".
Below the drawing area is also a status bar which will notify the
operator when ProCadd is working.
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ProCadd uses a Real World Coordinate system enabling the user to
draw it as it is or will be and not concern himself with scaling to
fit and since ProCadd provides an unlimited amount of space for
your work you may use as much or as little as you choose anywhere
within the drawing area.
The size of the drawing that you are creating has no effect on the
portion of the drawing that you are currently viewing.
When in a one to one magnification mode, the screen representation
is actually real size. (If not see Appendix D)
Since ProCadd's drawing area is unlimited, for drawing composition
purposes, there is no need for scaling. ProCadd simply zooms in or
falls back on the drawing as required.
The portion that is being viewed is a window on the drawing. The
WINDOW may be positioned anywhere you choose.
Zooming in on your drawing is the same as moving the WINDOW closer
to the drawing or zooming in so that you will see less of the
picture but a larger, more detailed image.
(See WINDOW - Section 7.4)
Conversely scaling down shows a larger segment of the drawing but
with smaller depictions.
It is important to remember that the image on the screen is a
representation of the drawing and not the actual drawing itself.
It can never be as accurate as the plot.
In order to increase the speed of updating the image that you see,
some approximations are made in displaying certain elements.
Circles may appear segmented, but when they plot, they will be the
true circles that they represent.
In addition, points may not always appear exactly positioned as
they have been placed. If a point is required at the intersection
of two entities, the operator must first remember that each element
is a separate entity and they only appear to connect. When
attempting to point and click on the intersection, ProCadd will
either attach a position to one or the other element. When the
drawing is plotted the point may not be exactly at the desired
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In this case the "Intersect" position facility should be used so
that ProCadd will understand that the intersection is desired.
If properly coordinated using this and other later described
locating methods, the points will print as required.
An element is a basic drawing unit. Examples of elements may be
line, circle, spline, etc.
These basic units are the building blocks of a drawing.
An entity is a set of elements that act as a single item.
When more than one entity or elements are combined together using
the "GROUP" drawing function the resulting entity will act as a
single subject.
This Grouped entity is temporary. If a permanent grouping is
desired then the Combine function should be used.
(See COMBINE - Section 8.4)
The entity can be copied, moved rotated or deleted as a unit.
The "GROUP" function will be discussed later as a drawing function.
(See GROUP - Section 8.3)
Displayable Attributes allow you to select the Color, Layer, Line
Structure, and Width of the elements you are drawing.
These attributes may be changed at any time that the menu section
displays their status. Once set, everything drawn will have the
current attributes until changed again.
(See ATTRIBUTES - Section 9.4)
If you retrieve a drawing from the "Drawing Library" or create a
new drawing, this drawing becomes the "Active Drawing" as displayed
on the screen.
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The Active Drawing is worked with in a special utility section of
ProCadd until it is time for storage at which a new name or
revision will have to be assigned so that the original version can
remain intact.
ProCadd will not allow a drawing to overwrite an existing drawing
in the "Drawing Library" without first warning the operator. Then
when the save is confirmed, ProCadd will take the original and
rename the extension as XXXX.bak. If there was previously a same
named "bak" file, it then will be lost.
Another invaluable feature of ProCadd automatically loads the
Active Drawing upon entering ProCadd.
When the system was exited last the current Active Drawing was
saved in the utility files section of ProCadd and will remain as
"Active" status until it is replaced with another drawing.
An input device is quite simply the operator's method of
communicating with ProCadd.
The input devices available to the user are:
1. Keyboard
2. Mouse
3. Light Pen
The input device can directly select a point in free space or
establish a position on an existing entity or element.
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Facilities are tools described as methods by which the operator
functions within the ProCadd environment. These basic methods of
movement and positioning enable user specific action creating the
desired depiction with ease.
All drawing functions within ProCadd use some of these in order to
facilitate use.
Position is established at any point on the drawing area by means
of an Input Device or by using such an input device to allow
ProCadd to select a precise location geometrically relative to some
point, points, elements, or entities as identified by the operator.
> 6.111 KEYBOARD - The four point arrow keys on the keyboard
allow cursor movement in vertical or horizontal directions,
vertical movement or Y axis movement by keying the up or down
arrows and similarly horizontal movement along the right to
left X axis through the right and left arrow keys.
Unless otherwise specified pressing the right arrow key will
move the cursor one unit of measure to the right which is
also unless otherwise specified 1 unit as recognized by
These units are either inches or centimeters depending on the
user preference as is set in the Parameters File. This variable
is discussed in Appendix D.
If the number key "2" is pressed prior to the arrow, the cursor
will move 2 units in whichever direction specified relative to
the previous location. Likewise if we enter numerically 5.25
then the right arrow key, the cursor will move 5 and 1/4
units toward the right from its previous location. This
location may be off the screen as you view it but it is a part
of the now enlarged drawing area.
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Throughout ProCadd, distances, dimensions and coordinates can
be listed in feet, feet/inch, decimal numeric or any
combination thereof. For instance, five feet and three and
one half inches can be expressed in the following formats:
1. 5' 3.5" 5. 63.5"
2. 5' 3.5 6. 63.5
3. 5' 3 1/2 7. 63 1/2
4. 5.25' 1/2"
Notice that the second, third, sixth and seventh options have
not been listed with inch specific notation. This is because
when in the U.S. type foot/inch format, ProCadd's Real World
Grid Coordinate system defaults to one inch spacing.
Note that if the Metric option is specified in your parameters
file as discussed in the parameters appendix, the default
spacing will be one centimeter. In this case, unqualified
length entries will be interpreted as centimeters. The user can
however qualify the length by specifying mm, cm, dm, m or km.
If your keyboard does not have arrow keys, then a position
relative to the current one can be attained by typing the
distance and direction. For instance typing ".2" followed by
"D" and "X" sends the cursor 2 tenths of a unit to the right.
Entering "-.2DX" sends the cursor to the left. Numerical
entry followed by "DY" similarly controls vertical movement.
Note that a position need not be established on screen.
ProCadd will act identically with regard to keyboard
positioning and Real World Coordinates regardless of the
current view location on the drawing area.
Specific positioning can also be attained by entering "X" and
"Y" coordinates.
Entering coordinates 0-X,0-Y locates the cursor at the origin
of the imaginary grid on the drawing area.
(See Section 10.32 to reset the Origin)
Similarly 1-X,1-Y will locate the cursor 1 unit above and 1
unit to the right of the origin.
Negative digit entry will locate points below or to the left
of the Origin.
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Once any of these locations is achieved as desired a click of
the enter key will establish that point for use.
> 6.112 MOUSE OR LIGHT PEN - Since a mouse will be most commonly
used this writing we will refer to it instead of a light pen
or other similar device.
The mouse can locate points or identify entities by simply
pointing and establishing the position with a click of the
left button.
The mouse would most commonly be used to pick a point on or
existing entities as ProCadd will choose the closest point on
the element or an endpoint if possible when the mouse is
clicked near that element.
Note: If a point is desired near to but not on a nearby
entity, the cursor location can be held and established by
first locating with mouse action and then establishing the
point with the enter key on the keyboard.
The mouse can position freely within the drawing as viewed but
if a point off screen is desired and is to be located by
mouse, then the window scale must be adjusted for a broader
view or the screen can be panned to that location.
(See Window Panning - Section 7.451)
The position facilities of ProCadd will, upon request, allow
points to be defined based on certain useful rules of geometry
as applied to existing entities.
At the bottom of the drawing function menus there are subsets
of facility options such as midpoint, circle center, and
These facility options are accessed by either pointing the
mouse and clicking on the desired tool or by striking the
keyboard key representing the first letter of the option
(i.e., the letter "m" selects "midpoint").
Also included are logical position assistance features such as
"last point" and grid overlays.
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In the following you will find descriptions of sequences
required in identifying the elements properly so that ProCadd
can establish the desired point.
> 6.121 LAST POINT - This option when selected prompts
ProCadd to re-establish the point which was last defined. If
for instance, after constructing a line, you wish to begin
another element by identifying it first by a point where the
line left off, the selection of "last point" will
establish that point as the first step in construction of the
new element.
> 6.122 GRID ON/OFF - The option "Grid" is a toggle on, toggle
off feature. When on, this option invokes a limited grid
around the cursor in the form of patterned dots to assist the
operator in locating points or assessing position. These dots
will follow the cursor about the drawing until the option is
toggled off.
The spacing option of the grid function will alter the spacing
between the dots of the grid. Pressing the letter "S" while
the grid is toggled on or selecting it with the mouse will
prompt a distance request for space between the dots. If the
exact distance is known, then keying in a number followed by
"enter" will specify the distance. However, ProCadd can
identify a distance through one of the other distance
facilities at the bottom of the menu section.
Selecting "line length" followed by the selection of an
element of the drawing will establish grid sectioning
equivalent to that length. Similarly, "arc length" and
"radius" will section the grid equal to those distances as
If the grid spacing distance measurement is entered naked
without any qualifying unit of measure, it will be assumed
that inches are intended when in U.S. mode and in the case
of metric mode centimeters are understood.
The "origin", or center of the grid follows the cursor around
in a precise manner as determined by the spacing option
setting and the position coordinates. In other words if the
spacing option is set at one inch, the grid will follow the
cursor around, jumping in one inch increments and aligned with
the real X and Y coordinates as tracked by ProCadd.
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The grid can be centered to any point as desired by using the
"origin" option. Simply pressing the letter "O" followed by a
new origin selected with an input device are all that is
required to realign the grid as to pass through the new
The spacing is very important to the use of the grid option
because when invoked, the only available points of attachment
are on the grid points. It works like a distance limiter with
the defined distances being multiples of the grid spacing.
> 6.123 ALIGN - Selection of this item will establish a position
based on the vertical and horizontal extension of specified X
and Y coordinates.
-> Step 1. Pick the menu item "align."
POS -> Step 2. Specify an X coordinate through which a real or
imaginary vertical line will pass.
POS -> Step 3. Specify using an input device a Y coordinate
through which the imaginary horizontal component will
A position point will then appear at the point of alignment.
> 6.124 CIRCLE CENTER - This menu item is used to precisely
locate the center of circular elements such as arcs, ellipses,
circles or an imaginary circle.* When requiring this center
use the following sequence:
-> Step 1. Pick the menu item "CIR CEN" or press the letter
POS -> Step 2. Select the entity within which the center is to
be located.
Note: Do not select an endpoint of an arc.
(procedure continued next page)
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POS -> Step 2* In the case of an imaginary circle, first the
points are required through which an imaginary circle
would pass.
Identify these three with the first being other than a
circular element.
> 6.125 MIDPOINT - This menu item positions a point midway on a
line or between two points.*
-> Step 1. Select "MIDPOINT" or the letter "M."
POS -> Step 2. Select the line element from which a midpoint is
to be established or both ends of the line.
When ProCadd does not recognize the final point as an
element, it will wait for the operator to select a second
POS -> Step 2* Specify two points the first of which is other
than on a line.
> 6.126 INTERSECT - The menu item "INTERSECT" will find the
intersection of any two elements. If more than one
intersection is found, the intersection closest to the points
selected will be used.
-> Step 1. Select the "INTERSECT" menu item or "I."
POS -> Step 2. Pick a point on the first element in the equation
other than its endpoint. If a point other than the
endpoint is selected then a second point on that element
is required in order to complete identification of that
POS -> Step 3. Pick the second element similar to the way the
first was selected in step 2.
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An exact intersection will be produced.
Note that two points in free space can be selected and the
vector of the an imaginary line between them will be used as
either the first or the second element to which an
intersection will be found.
> 6.127 DIRECTION AND DISTANCE - When selecting the menu item
"DIR/DIST" you are allowed to identify a point which is a
specific direction and distance relative to a known point of
origin, or "LAST POINT."
-> Step 1. Select the "DIR/DIST" menu item or press "D." A
small square will appear at the last defined point to
indicate the origin of the function.
DIR -> Step 2. Specify a direction using the direction
facilities. Click on a point on the compass rose, specify
a degree heading, or select an element of an angle to
match. A line will appear showing the direction.
DIST-> Step 3. Specify a distance. Unless qualified with a
specific unit of measure, the value entered as distance
will be understood as inches when in U.S. mode and
centimeters when in metric mode.
This locates a point relative to the origin in a known
direction and at a known distance.
> 6.128 PORTS - This item is a toggle on and toggle off menu
item. When ports are specified on a drawing, the ports
are the only points which can be selected as points of
attachment on the elements to which they are assigned.. In
order to deselect this port lock, the menu item "PORTS ON"
should be selected and it will toggle to "PORTS OFF" notifying
the operator of the new status. Any point on the ported entity
can now be selected. (See PORTS - Section 9.8)
> 6.129 HOLD - The "HOLD" menu item allows the operator to use a
point without defining it as a step in some routine. It helps
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when specifying points of origin such as the one required when
using "DIR/DIST." Select "HOLD" on the menu or "H" and follow
with a point then this point becomes the last point and
not a step in some routine to follow.
The term Distance Facilities describes the methods available to the
ProCadd operator enabling him to specify lengths or distances as
There are several ways to specify distance.
If the exact distance is known then it can be numerically
The distance can be entered as an expression of feet,
feet/inches, inches, millimeters, centimeters, decimeters,
meters or kilometers. See Section 6.111 for distance
entry methods.
Note that while in metric mode, qualified entry will be
correctly understood by ProCadd. In other words, when in U.S.
standard mode, a naked entry of 1 is considered as 1 inch.
A qualified entry of 1 cm while in U.S mode would be considered
1 centimeter as intended.
At any time a Distance entry is required, the user may wish to
indicate that distance as a relation to some area of the
drawing. The operator can therefore locate two points in
succession on the drawing and ProCadd Cadd will use the
distance between the points as the distance desired in the
function where the request was made.
Use the set of geometric distance functions through which
ProCadd will determine a value. These appear at the bottom of
the menu section when a distance request is made.
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They are as follows:
> 6.221 LINE LENGTH - Selecting "LINE LENGTH" or typing "L" on
the keyboard to be followed by the selection of a linear
element will interpret the distance request as the length of
the element selected.
> 6.222 ARC LENGTH - Selecting the ARC LENGTH" or typing "A"
followed by specifying a circular element will interpret the
distance request as the circumference of the element.
> 6.223 RADIUS - Selecting "RADIUS" or "R" followed by
referencing a circular element will specify the radius of the
element as the distance entry.
Direction Facilities are methods available to the ProCadd operator
used to specify direction.
Unless otherwise specified, as we will discuss, the angle
represents a inclining slope beginning with 0 degrees, which
indicates a direction to the right as viewed. Progressively
increasing, the degree rotates the heading counter-clockwise.
Similarly 90 degrees would be up and 270 degrees would be down.
There are several Direction Facilities available to the user.
These are as follows:
6.31 If a direction is known it can be typed in directly from the
keyboard in either degrees, minutes, seconds; or decimal
degrees. After the angle value is input, press the "enter" key
to accept.
6.32 Common values can be specified at 30, 45, and 60 degree
increments by clicking on the compass rose at the bottom of the
menu section when a direction request is made.
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6.33 Two points can be randomly specified and the direction from
the first point to the second point as relative to zero
degrees right will be used.
6.34 An existing element can also be used. If an element is
specified then its direction will be used. Remember that a
vertical line may have been created in a 90 degree direction
or a 270 degree direction.
These methods can be used in combination as well. If for instance,
a direction is needed 90 degrees as related to an element, or
perpendicular, the following sequence would apply.
First type in 90, but do not press "enter." Then specify the
element to which the new direction will be perpendicular, by entry
of two points on the element.
Upon the establishment of the second, a vector as requested will
appear from the previous point.
The standard base unit upon which the ProCadd program operates is
an inch, however, the program will default to one centimeter if
In the Parameters File there is a parameter named "user_units=".
This variable setting determines the default mode of operation and
the format which the drawing files are stored. Refer to Appendix D
for parameter definitions and settings.
When in metric mode, the unit of measure as moved on the drawing
and used by the Distance Facilities is one centimeter.
Similar to the way directional movement is conducted, the Real
World Coordinate System is metric scaled.
If distance entries are, however, defined as inches with "in" or
tickmarks, these identifiers will override the current status mode
of the program.
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Similarly, while in U.S. mode, entries identified with metric
notations i.e. cm, mm, km, etc... will be recognized accordingly.
This is very useful when environments require combined usage of
both measurement standards in the same drawing.
There are several areas of the program effected by metric
These include:
Distance Facilities
Dimension Functions
Grid Option
Fillet Drawing Function
Circle Drawing Function
Text Insert/Editing
Plot/Print Function
In each of these portions of the manual metric alternate operation
will be mentioned.
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The basic elements of the drawing are created by use of DRAWING
Use of the Drawing Functions in this section will require extensive use
of the facilities described in Section 6 so reference will be helpful.
7.1 LINE
From the main function selection menu, the operator can request
Line functions by either pointing and clicking on the menu item
"LINE" or by pressing "F1".
The Line sub-menu follows. This menu is made up of the seven Line
sub functions listed at the top.
Following the sub functions are a set of sub function parameters
which limit the directions of the lines being created. An asterisk
toggled on upon selection invokes the limit.
> 7.101 ALL DIRECTIONS When creating lines this parameter when
selected allows the user to define lines in any direction.
> 7.102 FOUR DIRECTIONS The Four Directions parameter limits
the creation of lines to 0, 90, 180 and 270 degree directions.
> 7.103 EIGHT DIRECTIONS The Eight Directions parameter limits
creation of lines to 45 degree spaced directions beginning at
zero degrees.
> 7.104 ISOMETRIC The Isometric parameter option will limit
directions to six different directions which help the operator
when using perspective view angles to portray depth. These
angles are 30, 90, 150, 210, 270 and 330 degrees.
> 7.105 TANGENT TO The Tangent To option when used directs the
line being created to a point Tangent To a circle or arc.
When defining the line, assign one end to a circle or an arc.
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Beneath the parameters are Displayable Attributes which determine
the color, width, structure and layer of the element.
(See Attributes - Section 9.4)
Also on the menu is the Window status area. Note that at any time,
the operator can go directly to the Window menu by clicking on the
window outline and return by pressing "F1."
(See Window - Section 7.4)
Finally at the bottom of the menu section there are facility
This sub-function allows lines to be drawn by specifying two
endpoints. Position Facilities are used to define these
Note that if the Four Directions parameter is selected, that
the line can only be created in a vertical or horizontal
Likewise if the Eight Direction parameter is selected then
only lines at 45 degree increments can be drawn. The Tangent
To option mandates that the line created will connect tangent
to a circle or arc if one of the endpoints selected is located
on the circle.
-> Step 1. Select the Point/Point menu item (unless already
selected, this one is default)
POS -> Step 2. Locate the first point.
POS -> Step 3. Locate the second point and upon acceptance of the
second point a line will be placed between them. Note that
while positioning the second point, an indicating ghost line
will appear where the line would be to assist the operator in
This sub-function allows the creation of a line at a given
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slope which will intersect a point as specified and extend the
extent of the screen only.
These lines are generally used as construction guidelines
which are later either deleted or modified.
-> Step 1. Select the Slope/Point menu item (if not already
selected from previous operation).
DIR -> Step 2. Specify a slope degree by clicking on the slope
request and specifying a direction either by numeric entry or
rose selection.
POS -> Step 3. Identify the point through which the line will
Note that a ghost line appears, to assist the operator in
placement of the line.
The Chain Line is identical to the Point/Point line except
that the final point of each segment of the line serves
immediately as the first point of the next extension of the
Chain Line.
-> Step 1. Select the Chain Line menu item.
POS -> Step 2. Position the first point of the first segment of the
Chain Line.
POS -> Step 3. Position the second point of the segment. A ghost
line will guide you. This point will serve as the first point
of the following element.
POS -> Step 4. Repeat Step 3 until the chain is complete.
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The Modify sub-function changes both end points of a line
without changing the slope or relative location of the line.
-> Step 1. Select the Modify sub-function.
POS -> Step 2. Specify the line element to be modified by selection
of any point on the line. This location on the element is not
POS -> Step 3. Locate one new endpoint on the line selected. The end
of the existing line that is closest to this point will move
to this point when the line is re drawn..
POS -> Step 4. Select a new endpoint for the other end of the line.
Upon this selection, the line will be re drawn.
The Modify One End sub-function allows for the modification of
only one end of a line.
-> Step 1. Select the Modify One End sub-function.
POS -> Step 2. Select the line to be modified by locating a point on
the element closer to the end to be modified than to the other
POS -> Step 3. Specify the new endpoint. The line will be re drawn
upon this selection.
7.16 LINE - TRIM
The Trim sub function allows the user to trim a line to a
specific point or element.
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-> Step 1. Select the Trim sub function.
POS -> Step 2. Select a point or an element to which the line will be
trimmed to.
POS -> Step 3. Select the line to be modified. The end of the line
toward which it's identifying point lies will be trimmed to
the point as specified in Step 2.
POS -> Step 4. If Step 2 is an element and multiple intersecting
lines are to be trimmed then repeat Step 3 until all lines are
The Break Line sub-function allows the operator to break a
line into segments.
-> Step 1. Select the Break Line sub-function.
POS -> Step 2. Select the line element to be segmented by locating a
point anywhere on the line.
POS -> Step 3. Select a point on the line where the break is to
POS -> Step 4. Select a point on the line where the break is to end.
It is important to note that even though the line has been
broken into segments, it still will act as a single entity.
If the operator wishes to separate the segments into separate
elements then the Separate command must be used.
(See Separate - Section 8.42)
The rectangle function allows for the creation of rectangles as
single elements.
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From the Main Function selection menu click on "RECTANGLE" or press
the "F2" key.
The Rectangle sub menu is made up of three Rectangle sub functions.
Beneath the sub-function selection menu are the standard Attributes
selections, Window status area, and facilities selections.
This Rectangle sub-function allows creation of rectangles when
the operator supplies diagonally opposed corner points.
-> Step 1. Select the Point/Point sub-function.
POS -> Step 2. Locate the point designating the first corner of the
POS -> Step 3. A ghost rectangle will follow the cursor movements
proposing the element's shape as you then proceed to locate
the second corner.
Once the second point is selected, the rectangle will be
This Rectangle sub-function assists the operator in elementary
creation of a rectangle by specifying a center point along
with one corner.
-> Step 1. Select the Center/Point sub-function.
POS -> Step 2. Locate a center point position.
POS -> Step 3. Locate the corner position. Notice that as before,
the ghost follows cursor movement until the final position is
established, at which time, the permanent rectangle is drawn.
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The Concentric sub-function allows for creation of multiple
elements with the same center.
-> Step 1. Select the Concentric sub-function.
POS -> Step 2. Identify a point as the center.
POS -> Step 3. Locate a corner point for the initial concentric
rectangle. Again a ghost element will follow.
POS -> Step 4. Repeat Step 3 by locating subsequent corner points
until all concentric rectangles have been placed as desired.
There are three options within the Circle function group. These
are Circle/Circle; Circle/Arc; and Circle/Modify.
Listed below the three main options on the Circle menu are the
Circle sub functions.
Following the sub functions is a Tangent To parameter and then the
customary attributes section, the window status section, and
finally the facilities tools options.
Each option in turn has a set of appropriate sub-functions.
Access the Circle option menu by clicking on "CIRCLE" or pressing
the "F3" key.
In order to make use of the Circle/Circle set of sub
functions, click on the Circle option. As asterisk will
appear directly before the option indicating it's selected
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If while using one of the Circle/Circle sub functions, the
Tangent To parameter is selected by clicking on it, the
perimeter of the circle will be established based on the
selection of a point on the element which the circle will be
tangent to.
> 7.311 CIRCLE/CIRCLE-CENTER/POINT This sub option is used to
create circles by establishing a center point followed by a
point through which the perimeter will intersect.
-> Step 1. Select the Center/Point sub-function.
POS -> Step 2. Locate a point to be used as the center of the circle.
POS -> Step 3. Locate a perimeter point through which the circle will
be drawn.
Note that the ghost follows until the perimeter point is
established in the form of a circle or a square depending on
the main program parameter setup.
> 7.312 CIRCLE/CIRCLE-POINT/CENTER This Point/Center sub-
function operates similar to the previous Center/Point sub-
function with the only difference being that the perimeter
point is specified first and followed by the center point.
-> Step 1. Select the Point/Center sub-function.
POS -> Step 2. Locate the perimeter point as required.
POS -> Step 3. Locate the center point as desired.
Note that when the center is established and the circle is
drawn, if the Tangent To parameter is selected and the
perimeter point is located on another element, then the
perimeter point and radius will be adjusted so that the circle
is tangent to the element.
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> 7.313 CIRCLE/CIRCLE-CONCENTRIC The Circle/Concentric sub-
function is used for making multiple circular elements with
the same center by locating multiple perimeter locations.
-> Step 1. Select the Circle/Concentric sub-function.
POS -> Step 2. Locate the center as desired for the concentric
POS -> Step 3. Establish a point for the desired perimeter upon which
the circle will be drawn.
POS -> Step 4. Locate a point for the second concentric circle and
repeat as many times as are circles required.
> 7.314 CIRCLE/CIRCLE- 3 POINTS This sub-function allows
circles to be drawn by selecting three points to be on the
perimeter of the proposed circle.
-> Step 1. Select the Circle/3 Points sub-function.
POS -> Step 2. Locate the first point on the perimeter of the circle
you wish to draw.
POS -> Step 3. Locate a second point on the perimeter of the circle
you wish to draw.
POS -> Step 4. Locate the final point on the perimeter of the circle
you wish to draw and upon that entry, the circle will appear.
If the three points are collinear, no point will be drawn.
> 7.315 CIRCLE/CIRCLE-RAD/POINT/POINT This sub function
assists the operator in creating a circle by specifying a
radial dimension followed by two points to be on the perimeter
of the circle being drawn.
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Notice that upon selection of the Rad/Point/Point menu item
that the standard position request facility subset of options
at the bottom of the menu disappears and a set of three
distance request facility options appears.
This distance input is requested as the first portion of the
element construction.
-> Step 1. Select the Rad/Point/Point menu item.
DIST-> Step 2. Specify a distance to be considered as the radius of
the circle to be drawn. You may numerically input a value or
use one of the distance assists at the bottom of the menu
POS -> Step 3. Choose a point which will be the first perimeter point
of the circle being drawn.
POS -> Step 4. Locate the second perimeter point through which the
circle will intersect. Upon selection of this element the
circle will appear.
Note that if the distance between the perimeter points is
greater than twice the radial measurement, no circle will
be drawn.
Circle/Tangent/Tangent sub function assists the operator in
the creation of circles while specifying tangency to two
separate entities.
-> Step 1. Select the Tangent/Tangent sub function.
POS -> Step 2. Select the first element to which the circle to be
drawn will be tangent to. The Circle will be tangent to this
element at this point.
POS -> Step 3. Select the second element to which the circle will be
tangent to.
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Upon the second selection, the circle will be drawn.
Note that the circle's diameter will be determined by the
location of the first point on the element to which the circle
being drawn is tangent to.
The ARC set of sub functions enables the operator to draw arcs
in a variety of ways. There are three Arc sub functions that
appear when the Arc option is selected.
Keep in mind that arcs are always defined in a counter-
clockwise direction.
> 7.321 CIRCLE-ARC-3 POINTS The Arc/3 Points sub function
creates arcs by specifying three points. The arc will begin
at the first point, end at the second point and pass through
the third point.
-> Step 1. Select the Arc/3 Points sub function.
POS -> Step 2. Position a point to be the beginning of the desired
POS -> Step 3. Establish a point to be the end of the desired arc.
POS -> Step 4. Select the final point on the circumference through
which the arc will pass.
Since the arc will always draw in a counter-clockwise
direction, a first point positioned on the left followed by a
second point on the right will indicate an arc downward. On
the other hand an arc defined by a first point on the right
and followed by a second point on the left will draw an upward
> 7.322 CIRCLE-ARC-RAD/POINT/POINT The Arc/Rad/Point/Point sub
function allows the user to define an arc by specifying a
radius followed by a beginning point and then an ending point.
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-> Step 1: Select the Arc/Rad/Point/Point sub function.
DIST-> Step 2: Enter a radial measurement using the keyboard or one
of the distance tools that appear at the bottom of the menu
section as the distance definition which is required.
POS -> Step 3: Establish the point to be used as the starting point
of the arc to be drawn.
POS -> Step 4: Locate the ending point for the arc to be drawn.
Upon selection of the final point, the arc will appear.
Note that the order of which the two arc end points are
entered is important. The arc will begin at the first
point and draw towards the second, radiating
counter-clockwise until reaching the second. The order of
entry therefore determines to which side of the endpoints
points the arc will lie.
> 7.323 CIRCLE-ARC-TANGENT/TANGENT This Arc/Tangent/Tangent
sub function will draw arcs as required tangent two separate
When selecting the Tangent/Tangent option of the Arc sub
function, a clockwise/counter-clockwise toggling option
appears. For this Tangent/Tangent option the user can define
the arc in a clockwise fashion if desired.
-> Step 1. Select the Arc/Tangent/Tangent sub function.
POS -> Step 2. Locate a starting point on an entity to which the arc
will be tangent.
POS -> Step 3. Locate the ending point on an entity to which the arc
will be tangent.
Upon establishment of the final point, an arc will be drawn.
If tangency is not possible as defined, no arc will be
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The Modify option within the Circle function is used to modify
existing circles and arcs. As was during their creation, the
new endpoints must be specified on a counter-clockwise basis.
-> Step 1. Select the Modify sub function.
POS -> Step 2. Select the element to be modified. The position of
the selection point is irrelevant as long as it is not an
POS -> Step 3. Position a point to be the new beginning point of the
circle or arc being modified.
POS -> Step 4. Select a position point for the new ending point of
the circle or arc being modified.
After establishment of the final ending point, the element will
be re-drawn.
The WINDOW features allow the operator to select the viewed portion
of the drawing that is being worked on.
Portions of the drawing can be zoomed in on and this enlarged
portrait can pan across the full drawing as desired.
The Window menu selection subset can be entered in three ways.
First would be to click on the "WINDOW" feature of the main menu
selection area.
Window can also be entered by pressing "F4" at any point.
Finally, if the operator is currently in one the drawing function
menus he can click on the rectangular outline of the drawing area
referred to as the Window View Locator in the window status section
of the menu. This will take the user directly to the Window menu.
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The Window sub function menu features two options being Set Size
and Set Bounds.
Beneath these on the menu is the Reload function.
Beneath the Reload option are the Layer control functions.
Following these Layer options are the Window View Locator and scale
adjustments and finally below that is the facility request area.
The Set Size sub function of the Window menu is used to adjust
the viewed area of the drawing screen to view a specifically
sized view of the drawing.
-> Step 1. Select the Set Size sub function.
DIST-> Step 2. Pick a distance by using one of the distance facility
options at the bottom of the menu section and following with
the selection of the appropriate element or just entering a
value via the keyboard.
Once a distance is specified, the screen will adjust to a
magnification factor where the horizontal dimension of the
viewed area is as requested.
The Set Bounds sub function of the Window menu is used to
specify a window viewing boundary as desired.
-> Step 1. Select the Set Bounds sub function.
POS -> Step 2. Locate a point to be one diagonally positioned corner
point for the new boundary as desired.
POS -> Step 3. Locate a point to be the opposite corner of the new
viewing screen boundary.
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Upon establishment of the final corner, the screen will be
readjusted. Notice that as the second point is being
positioned a ghost sample of the result will follow.
The Reload option redraws the current drawing thereby
including any changes. If for instance, a Layer is toggled
off, the elements included in that layer will not disappear
until the drawing is reloaded.
The Reload function is invoked by clicking on the word
"RELOAD" at the Window menu or at any point in ProCadd by
pressing "CTRL-R".
This section of the menu controls the selection of Layers
applicable to the current drawing.
Layers can be used to assign viewing status to different parts
of a drawing. An operator may for instance draw the basic
structure of a building on layer one. The electrical schemes
may be on layer two. The plumbing could be on layer three.
Perhaps the foundation plan would be on layer four.
Descriptions, notes, or lists of materials might be on layer
Generally users will develop their own standard set of layer
There are 120 layers available to be used or not used as
The first option of the Layer set of options is "ALL ON/OFF".
Clicking on the "ON" portion of the phrase will turn all
layers on. Likewise clicking on the "OFF" portion of the
phrase will conversely turn them all off.
The next items "+10/-10" control the layers shown in the menu
section. Clicking on "+10" ascends the layer grouping by ten
and likewise the "-10" descends the layer grouping.
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The listed group of ten layers can be selectively toggled on
or off by clicking on the individual layer thereby toggling it
to an active status.
Note that when layer status is changed, it will not effect the
view of the drawing until it is reloaded by clicking on the
above "RELOAD" or pressing the combination "CTRL-R".
The Window View Locator shows you the location and relative
size of the view you are currently using relative to the
entire drawing. The locator is two rectangles, the outside
rectangle shows the size of the full drawing while the inside
rectangle shows the position of drawing that you are currently
The current window scale is listed below the window view
If the full drawing is on screen the window view locator will
appear as one rectangle.
A list of scale changes are displayed around the window view
locator. These numbers represent a scaling factor that will
be applied to the current status. The values range from "8"
(an 8x zoom in) to "1/8" (an 1/8 zoom out).
Selecting any one of these will cause the drawing to be
reloaded and the viewed portion of the drawing to be rescaled.
Remember that throughout all window functions the drawing is
not being changed, only the viewing window on the drawing.
When a large drawing is currently being displayed and several
scaling changes are required, the loading can be stopped and
the next step effected immediately without waiting for the
entire drawing to appear.
Pressing any key or clicking on a function will cause the
reload to cease and the system will wait for your next
> 7.451 WINDOW-VIEW LOCATOR-PANNING Panning is a term used to
describe the process of stepping across the drawing with the
viewed screen.
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While in the Window function and not utilizing one of the sub
functions, if a point is established at a location on the
drawing, the drawing will then be reloaded with that point as
the center of the screen. So if a sequence of points were to
be established at the right side of the screen, the view will
be reloaded at each request and each load will pan to the
right as compared with the previous representation.
Likewise the view can pan up, down, left or diagonally.
Again, as it was when scaling the view, upon each reload, the
process can be stopped by pressing a key or clicking on a
The next pan can then be selected without waiting for the
previous image to finish.
This is most helpful when large or complicated drawings are
being manipulated.
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This set of eight utilities is geared toward identification,
duplication and manipulation of existing elements or entities on
8.1 MOVE
The Move function allows for the repositioning of entities within a
The MOVE function can be invoked by clicking on the word "MOVE" or
pressing the "F5" key.
The Move function has three Move sub functions.
The Move sub function allows for the movement of entities to
other positions in a drawing.
These movements are limited as necessary by three parameters.
An asterisk toggled on, next to the ALL DIRECTIONS parameter,
or the X ONLY parameter, or the Y ONLY parameter, will limit
movement as indicated.
When selected by positioning a point on an entity, the entity
will follow the cursor in the same relative alignment to the
point until the new position point is located.
If multiple elements or entities are to be moved they can be
moved as a unit by Grouping them together.
(See GROUP - Section 8.3)
-> Step 1. Select the Move sub function from the Move menu.
POS -> Step 2. Select a point on the entity which is to be moved.
The position of the point on the entity is irrelevant unless
(procedure continued next page)
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it is required by the operator for specific location purposes
because this point becomes the drag point.
POS -> Step 3. Locate the new position point by it's drag point as
should be relative to the entity as it sits in it's new
Notice that the entity will follow the cursor about the
drawing until positioned.
Upon completion of the movement sequence, four new menu
selections will appear.
> 8.111 MOVE-MOVE-BRING OTHERS Once a Move sequence has been
completed, the Bring Others menu option will appear. If the
operator then activates the option by selecting it, and an
asterisk highlights the option, other entities on the drawings
can be moved as well, all relative to the initial movement.
For example if an element is moved two inches to the left and
one inch up, any other entities can be also moved two inches
to the left and one inch up simply by selecting the Bring
Others option and the clicking on the desired entities.
> 8.112 MOVE-MOVE-EXTEND LINES When a line is moved and
vertical or horizontal lines that were connected to that line
need to be lengthened or shortened to reconnect to the line in
a similar fashion, the Extend Lines option does so. Once the
original line is moved, the Extend Lines option will appear.
Click on each line which is to be reconnected and it will be
modified accordingly.
The lines being extended or trimmed will maintain their
original vertical or horizontal position. Only their length
will be changed.
> 8.113 MOVE-MOVE-RECONNECT LINES When a line is moved and a
previously connecting line needs to be reconnected, the
Reconnect Lines option will do so. Clicking on the Reconnect
Lines option and following it with selection of the elements
to be reconnected, will cause the connecting endpoint of the
line being reconnected to be moved to the point on the moved
line as it was originally connected.
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The slope of the line being reconnected may change as only one
endpoint will be moved.
The Plumb sub function of the Move function allows the user to
move an entity horizontally to a plumb vertical axis as
-> Step 1. Select the Plumb sub function.
POS -> Step 2. Establish a vertical line to which the entity will be
aligned. A vertical ghost line will follow the cursor until
POS -> Step 3. Locate a point on the entity being moved and the
entity will be moved such that the point specified intersects
the plumb line indicator.
When the entity is selected and therefore moved, the plumb
line will disappear.
Note that when selecting the entity to be moved, the point at
which the entity is identified is important because the entity
will intersect the plumb line at that point.
The Level sub function allows the user to move an entity to
align with a level horizontal line.
-> Step 1. Select the Level sub function of the Move menu.
POS -> Step 2. Establish a horizontal line to which the entity to be
moved will be aligned. A horizontal ghost line will follow
the cursor until placed.
(procedure continued next page)
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POS -> Step 3. Locate a point on the entity being moved and that
entity will move such that the point selected will intersect
the horizontal line as placed.
When the entity is selected and therefore moved the level line
will disappear.
Note that when selecting the entity to be moved, the point at
which the entity is identified is important because the entity
will intersect the level line at that point.
8.2 COPY
The Copy function allows an entity to be copied. This function has
three sub functions that allow the copies to be either moved,
rotated or copied following an array pattern.
You may enter the Copy function by either clicking on the word
"COPY" on the main menu or pressing "F6" on your keyboard.
The Move sub function of the Copy menu item is used to copy an
element or grouped set of elements to form an entity and move
this copy to another location.
There are three parameters available to quantify the freedom
of movement and can be utilized by toggling on the option
indicated by an asterisk.
The "ALL DIRECTIONS" parameter allows unrestricted directional
The "X AXIS" parameter limits movement to a horizontal bias
and "Y AXIS" limits movement to vertical directions.
-> Step 1. Select the Copy/Move sub function of the Copy menu.
(procedure continued next page)
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POS -> Step 2. Locate a point on the entity to be copied. It is
important to pick a point that will be useful in positioning
the copied entity.
POS -> Step 3. Locate the copy, which is following the cursor to it's
final location, using the attachment point as a reference.
The final location will be precisely relative to the point as
Once the entity has been moved there will be four extended
options appearing below the sub function group available for
the user.
They are as follows:
> 8.211 COPY/MOVE/REPEAT The Repeat sub option when clicked on
will duplicate the previous action set. A new copy will be
positioned relative to the previous copy as was the previous
copy to the original.
> 8.212 COPY/MOVE/REPEAT COUNT The Repeat Count sub option is
an extension of the above described "Repeat". When clicked on
and followed by a numerical count factor, the original or
previous entity will be duplicated as copied and repeated by
as many times as specified. Each duplication will be relative
to the previous copy as was the original copy to the original.
> 8.213 COPY/MOVE/REPEAT DISTANCE The Repeat Distance sub
option is again similar to both the Repeat and Repeat Count
options. This option however requires a distance within which
copies will be repeated until that point is reached. Do so by
selecting Repeat Distance after a copy has been made, then
selecting the copied element and following it with a distance
value. Multiples will then be made to fill the distance as
> 8.214 COPY/MOVE/COPY OTHER The Copy Other sub option will
copy and move a copy of an alternate entity to a position
relative to it's original as was the copy moved in the
previous Copy/Move action. This is done by simply selecting
any point on an alternate entity and can be repeated for other
entities in succession.
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This Copy/Rotate sub function allows the operator to copy an
entity and rotate it in a specified direction as well as around
any center.
-> Step 1. Select the COPY/ROT sub function.
POS -> Step 2. Position a point on the object entity to be rotated.
The location on the element is important because the axis of
rotation will be around this point unless otherwise specified.
POS -> Step 2a. Upon selecting an entity the menu item "NEW CENTER"
will appear. If this item is selected and followed with a new
center position on the drawing, it will remain the center
of rotation until another major sub function is invoked.
DIR -> Step 3. Specify an angular direction of rotation which will
determine the direction and amount of rotation around the
center as indicated. Positive entry indicates a counter-
clockwise rotation.
Once the entity has been rotated there will be four extended
options appearing below the sub function group available for
the user.
They are as follows:
> 8.221 COPY/ROTATE/REPEAT The Repeat sub option when clicked
on will duplicate the previous action set. A new copy will be
positioned relative to the previous copy as was the previous
copy to the original.
> 8.222 COPY/ROTATE/REPEAT COUNT The Repeat Count sub option is
an extension of the above described "Repeat". When clicked on
and followed by a numerical count factor, the original or
previous entity will be duplicated as copied and repeated by
as many times as specified. Each duplication will be relative
to the previous copy as was the original copy to the original.
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> 8.223 COPY/ROTATE/REPEAT ANGLE The Repeat Angle sub option is
again similar to both the Repeat and Repeat Count options.
This option however requires an angle within which copies will
be repeated until that point is reached. Do so by selecting
Repeat angle after a copy has been made, then selecting the
copied element and following it with an angle degree.
Multiples will then be made.
> 8.224 COPY/ROTATE/COPY OTHER The Copy Other sub option will
copy and move a copy of an alternate entity to a position
relative to it's original as was the copy moved of the
previous Copy/Rotate action. This is done by simply selecting
any point on an alternate entity and can be repeated for other
entities in succession.
This Copy Array sub function allows copies to be made and
arrayed throughout an area in a grid pattern sequence as
Selection of this menu item causes four information queries to
appear below.
DIST-> Step 1. Select the "ROW SPACE" item and enter a distance
requested between rows. A positive entry would notate rows
above the entity to be copied and likewise a negative entry
would indicate rows below.
The value entered in this variable will represent the number
of current mode units of measure to be considered as desired
spacing. These units will be either centimeters or inches.
DIST-> Step 2. Select the "COL SPACE" item and enter a distance
requested between columns. A positive entry will identify
columns to the right of the entity being copied. A negative
entry will indicate column spacing of those the left.
This value will also represent centimeters or inches depending
on the current mode of operation.
(procedure continued next page)
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-> Step 3. Select the "ROWS" menu item. This quantity entry will
specify the number of copies to be made vertically spaced as
indicated by the Row Space entry above.
-> Step 4. Select the "COLS" menu item. This quantity entry will
specify the number of copies to be made horizontally spaced as
indicated in the Col Space area above.
POS -> Step 5. Identify the entity or entity grouping to be copied
and arrayed in the pattern as specified.
The number of Rows multiplied by the number of Cols specified
will be equal to the number of copies made.
If numerous or complicated copies are being made, the visual
representation of the procedure can be halted at any time by
activating a major function item and the system will accept
your next commands.
The GROUP function allows the operator to tag a set of elements or
entities that will then perform as a single entity when acted upon.
The group is a temporary collection of elements or entities that is
affected by utilities such as move, copy, delete or save.
To enter the Group menu click on the main menu item "GROUP" or
press "F7".
The Group menu consists of four sub functions as well as the Window
View Locator.
The Select sub function is used to invite elements to be part
of the Group.
The Select Block option will select elements within a defined
area of the drawing to be part of the Group. In order to
define the blocked area, first click on a corner of the object
ProCadd Operations Manual
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area. A ghost block will follow the cursor at the diagonally
located corner until it is placed by clicking at a position as
Note that only totally enclosed non-protruding elements will
be included in the group.
Clicking on each applicable element will cause it to be
highlighted informing the operator that is has been accepted
by ProCadd.
Blocking and individual selection can also be used in
conjunction. If for example an area is blocked but a few
protruding elements do not select. They can then be
individually chosen and thereby added to the group.
Blocking and individual selection can be used in multiple
succession in order to define items in remote areas of the
drawing as part of the intended Group.
The Deselect sub function is used to individually remove
elements from the Group. Clicking on each undesirable element
will cause it to be removed.
Note that blocking an area of the drawing is also applicable
for deselection. When the cursor is used to define an area,
all elements totally enclosed and non-protruding from the
block will be de selected from the Group.
The Select All sub function when invoked will select every
item on the current drawing. If a large number of elements
are desired for the Group it may be easier to Select All and
then Deselect individual or blocks of elements.
Remember that elements off the viewing screen and elsewhere in
the drawing will be selected with Select All and be
manipulated with the Group without being seen.
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The Deselect All sub function when invoked will abolish the
Group completely.
When this sub function is used the function "RESTORE GROUP"
will appear beneath the Deselect All sub function. This will
restore the group as it was previously in case of a mistaken
The COMBINE functions are used to assemble or dilute groups also.
Whereas the Group functions create temporary groups, the
Combine function creates permanent ones.
To enter the Combine sub functions, click on the word "COMBINE" on
the main menu or press "F8".
The Combine sub function menu has two options with one parameter as
well as the Window View Locator.
The combine sub function builds the group.
Begin by selecting all of those elements that you wish
included in the group. They will disappear temporarily as
they are selected.
When you have completed selections follow by clicking on the
"Combine" sub function menu item. The elements will reappear
as a group.
> 8.411 COMBINE/ADD TO GROUP If you wish to add to the Group,
clicking on "ADD TO GROUP" followed by your selections
including the group being added to, and finally clicking on
"COMBINE" will form the combination or Combined Group.
Whenever selections are being made, two additional menu items
appear. "CANCEL" when clicked will abort the entire
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"RESTORE" when clicked will negate the previous selection.
The Separate sub function dissolves the group as an entity.
To Separate the Group, select the Group and click on Separate.
The Dimension function is used to determine and label linear and
angular dimensions.
Enter the DIMENSION function by selecting the "DIMENSION" word on
the main menu or pressing "F9".
Before we discuss the several Dimension sub functional options we
will explain the subset of parameters that appear whenever a
dimension is requested.
They are as follows:
> 8.501 ACCEPT When a Dimension is requested and sample layout
and method are indicated on the screen as well as in this
parameter section, if all is as the operator wishes it to be,
he would select "ACCEPT" and the Dimension would become
> 8.502 CANCEL If the Dimension is unacceptable and changes
available are not desired, then "CANCEL" will restart the
entire sequence.
> 8.503 MOVE DIMENSION The Move Dimension menu item will
redefine the location of the dimension arrows and labels as
desired. The movement is limited however to logical
positioning relative to the entity being measured.
Selection of the "MOVE DIMENSION" item will cause the arrow
and label set to follow the cursor until placed.
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> 8.504 MOVE LABEL The Move Label option is used to move the
Label only to a desired location. Selecting "MOVE LABEL" will
cause the dimension's Label to follow the cursor until placed.
> 8.505 INTERNAL/EXTERNAL ARROW The Internal/External Arrow
toggle determines if the dimension arrows are internally
pointing at the ends of the dimension or pointing at it from
the outside. The type shown will be the type drawn.
> 8.506 TEXT EQUALS The Text Equals item allows the user to
specify a label size. When the "TEXT=" selection is made a
size entry is required by either numeric keyboard or other
distance facility that appears at the bottom of the menu
The program default text size is 0.1 inches or 0.254
If some other text size is preferred to be used as a default
value, it should be entered in the Parameters File as a
qualified value. If the value is unqualified, the value will be
understood as a factor of the default unit.
Note that unless the program's text preference is in Real Text
mode, the text as seen is Fast Text, and not what is plotted.
The vertical and horizontal half box that surrounds the text is
the actual height and length of the text as specified. The
half box will not plot. Only the text represented will plot or
> 8.507 ARROW EQUALS The Arrow Equals option allows the user to
determine arrow size. When the "ARROW=" selection is made, a
size entry is required by either numeric keyboard or other
distance facility that appears at the bottom of the menu
The program default arrow size is 0.1 inches or 0.254
If some other arrow size is preferred to be used as a default
value, it should be entered in the Parameters File as a
qualified value. If the value is unqualified, the value will be
understood as a factor of the default unit.
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Page 64
> 8.508 UNITS SHOWN The Units Shown option toggles between
feet/inches, inches, millimeters, centimeters, meters and
Whichever distance units qualifier is present will determine
the format of the dimension length display.
The default as displayed is determined in the Parameters File.
> 8.509 RESOLUTION EQUALS The "RESOL.=" menu item when selected
allows the operator to pick the extent of accuracy to which a
dimension is displayed. The default unit, as is displayed
through this function is determined by the ProCadd Setup
Parameters File, which can be changed as described in the
Parameter File description located in Appendix D of this manual.
Clicking on the "RESOL.=" item repeatedly cycles through a
selection of tolerances both fractional and decimal.
The Parallel sub function of the Dimension menu will establish
a linear dimension set parallel to the distance as specified.
When the Parallel sub function is activated as evidenced by an
asterisk, the operator must only select an element or locate
two points, after which a dimension outline will appear.
This outline can be either modified or accepted by the subset
of appliances that appear once the dimension is indicated.
The Horizontal sub function, when clicked on, and an element is
chosen, will define the horizontal distance component of that
element. An outline of the results and sample display will
appear for your confirmation. You can either accept or change
The Vertical sub function of the Dimension menu instructs
ProCadd to calculate the vertical distance component of the
ProCadd Operations Manual
Page 65
element selected. First select "VERTICAL" and follow it with
the selection of an element. Then make any necessary
modifications or accept it as it is.
Note that the Parallel, Horizontal or Vertical sub function can
measure between two points and not only entities. When selection
of the item to be measured is required, respond with two point
locations on the drawing and ProCadd will calculate the distance
between them.
The Angular sub function defines angular dimensions by
degrees. ProCadd indicates degree by the "^" sign.
Since this sub function requires multi positional requests in
a specific sequence, we will describe it as a procedure.
Three positional requests will be made. The order in which
the points are outlined will determine which side of the angle
ProCadd measures.
-> Step 1. Select the Angular sub function.
POS -> Step 2. Locate a point on the first wing on the structure to
be measured. The measurement indicating arrows will arc
counter-clockwise. Accordingly if the rightmost wing is
chosen first then the arrow will measure upward through the
Likewise if the leftmost wing is chosen the label arc will
radiate downward about the opposite side of the structure.
POS -> Step 3. Locate the axis of the angle.
POS -> Step 4. Locate the other wing upon which the dimension profile
will appear for your approval.
Note that the point on which the first wing is identified will
be the indication focus of the dimension arrows.
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Angular dimensions of points in free space can be had also
using the identical procedure only not specifying points on
The Radial sub function on the Dimension menu is used to
measure and label radius components of circles and arcs.
After choosing the Radial menu item, follow with the selection
of the element to be measured. An outline of the dimension
setup will appear for your approval or modification. The
dimension arrow will initially appear pointing in the
direction of the point by which the user specified the element
to be measured.
The Label sub function is used to assign a label or some
descriptive text to some portion of the drawing.
After choosing the "LABEL" option, select a point on the
drawing toward which the Label arrow should point.
Notice then how the standard dimension editing features appear
so that the user can specify and manipulate the Label text as
Once all edit options are as preferred, enter the text. As
entered it will be mirrored at the bottom of the screen.
As with the dimension options, select "ACCEPT" when finished.
If an arrow only is desired, it is accomplished by completing
the Label sequence without entering any text.
The Arc Length sub function is used to measure the
circumfrential component of a circle or arc.
Select the "ARC LENGTH" menu item and follow with the
selection of an element to be measured. The outline will
appear for modification or approval.
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8.6 TEXT
The TEXT function assists in the creation of text as needed. The
text can be edited, sized, spaced, colored, rotated, or styled.
Enter the Text function menu by clicking on the word "TEXT" or
pressing "F10".
The Text menu includes two sub functions followed by a group of
text editing parameters.
The parameters manipulating the attributes of color and width as
well as layer designation are available.
After that are the Window View Locator and the facilities section.
When Editing existing text select the Edit/Insert sub
Begin to Edit by pointing to the text to be edited. The text
will appear at the bottom of the screen confirming the edit.
The attributes menu items will be automatically changed to
reflect the characteristics of the text in question. These
can be changed to suit the operator by pointing to the item
and inputting new values.
During modification, the outline of the text will alter
indicating specified location and orientation.
Once complete, pressing enter will confirm the operation.
In order to Insert new text, the same process is used except
that instead of pointing at existing text, the user points out
a new location.
The text characteristic variables are listed and described
> 8.611 FAST/REAL TEXT - Clicking on this menu item toggles the
current selection between Fast and Real text. Fast text is
either just an outline of the text to be plotted indicating
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actual height and length or if large enough, a display of the
text will appear in standard text mode inside the outline of
the actual text.
Real Text is an actual Real Scaled representation of the
text as saved on the drawing including font type and style.
Normally when using ProCadd and especially when a large
drawing is current, the Real Text mode would only be used as a
confirmation or visual tool.
Because of the taxation of the computer's resources required
to display Real Text, it is advantageous to keep this menu
item toggled normally to Fast mode.
> 8.612 SIZE EQUALS - Clicking on "SIZE=" will call for a value
to be the new text height.
The program default text size is 0.1 inches or 0.254
centimeters. If some other text size is preferred to be used as
a default value, it should be entered in the Parameters File as
a qualified value. If the value is unqualified, the value will
be understood as a factor of the default unit.
> 8.613 ROTATION EQUALS - The "ROTATION=" variable orients the
radiated direction of the text in question. A direction
request by numeric entry or rose indication will alter the
text's orientation.
> 8.614 SPACING EQUALS - Pointing to the "SPACING=" item will
prompt a line spacing request. Enter a value to be understood
as a measure of the default units of measure depending on
whether the program is operating in U.S. or metric mode.
The default spacing is valued at the text size times a factor
of 1.6667.
When entering multiple lines of text and the first line is
confirmed by pressing "enter", the cursor will Space down the
value as input at this variable and be ready to receive the
next line's text.
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> 8.615 LEFT/CENTER/RIGHT JUSTIFIED - The menu items "LEFT" and
"CENTER" and "RIGHT" toggled when pointed to and followed by
"JUSTIFIED" indicate a method of alignment for the text as
Left text will extend to the right of the location point.
Right text similarly to the left and Center text will extend
equally in both directions as entered.
> 8.616 FONT EQUALS - There are two fonts available to the
ProCadd user in the standard program. In the "FONT=" variable
a "0" or a "1" can be entered to choose between them.
If the user wishes to define additional fonts it can be done
by referring to Appendix B and placing the font file into the
/CAD650/fonts directory.
> 8.617 NORMAL/BOLD/ITALIC/UNDERLINE - These items will toggle
in rotation when clicked on. The text styles of "NORMAL",
"BOLD", "ITALIC" and "UNDERLINE" will alter and establish
the text style to be plotted.
The Move Text menu item when pointed at is used to reposition
text on the drawing.
This is performed by first selecting the menu item Move Text
and then pointing to the text to be moved and dragging it to
it's desired position.
The Section function allows the user to enter section lines in a
defined boundary.
As well as sectioning an area, the Section function can be used as
a "fill" function to fill in or shade and color an area.
Enter the Section function menu subset by pointing and clicking on
the word "SECTION" or by pressing "F11". If your key board does
not support "F11", then "ALT-F7" will substitute.
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Page 70
The Section function menu has at the top three methods or options
used to identify the boundaries of the area to be sectioned.
Below these are three commands used to draw the section lines or
retract boundary specifications.
Then there are two variables used to clarify section line spacing
and section line direction.
Finally the attribute selection area and the Window View Locator
are included followed by the facilities section.
These three boundary selection identifiers are in use when an
asterisk appears by the one clicked on.
The Entity identifier when used selects entities. When the
entity is clicked on it will be highlighted.
The Element identifier likewise selects elements to be used as
boundaries. They also will be highlighted upon selection.
The Add Point selection device chains together multiple point
locations in order to create the boundary to be sectioned.
Lines appear between the points to assist the operator in
location but upon completion they will disappear.
Upon completion of the desired boundary area or areas, the
"FILL" command will section the area as identified.
If modifications to the boundary area are needed prior to
execution of sectioning, "CANCEL LAST" will remove the
preceding boundary selection or "CANCEL ALL" will remove all
boundary selections.
The Direction and Distance variable requests are used to
select rotational direction of the sectioning lines as well as
the spacing distance between them.
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When the user clicks on the Direction variable item a
direction input is required either by rose selection, numeric
vector input, or selection of a like element on the drawing
who's direction can be emulated.
When the user clicks on the Distance variable item a distance
input is required. Enter the distance desired between each
section line.
When in metric mode, this entry will represent a centimeter
measurement and when in U.S mode, an inch measurement will
be assumed.
The DELETE function removes elements or entities from the drawing.
Access the Delete function by selecting the main menu item "DELETE"
or by pressing "F12". If your keyboard does not support "F12" then
pressing "ALT-F8" will substitute.
The sole item on the Delete menu is the Window View Locator.
To Delete an entity just click on the entity.
Once the entity is removed the command Restore will appear on the
Clicking on "RESTORE" will reverse the previous action and restore
the entity previously deleted.
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The Rotate function allows the user to Rotate or Mirror any entity
or group of entities.
Enter the Rotate function menu by clicking on "ROTATE" or pressing
The Rotate menu will appear with two sub functions, namely Rotate
and Mirror, followed by a direction variable entry item.
Then there are the customary Window View Locator and the facilities
This sub function assists the operator in rotating an entity
by a known angle or relative to another angle and around any
-> Step 1. Select the Rotate sub function from the Rotate menu
section. An asterisk will appear at the Rotate menu item as
notice of it's selection.
POS -> Step 2. Select the entity or group of entities. The point by
which you select the object will be the center around which
the object will be rotated.
POS -> Step 2a If a center of rotation other than on the object is
required, select the "NEW CENTER" menu item and position a new
center point.
DIR -> Step 3. Through rose selection or numeric input specify an
angle of rotation.
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Assuming that the menu item "BEG ANGLE" is zero degrees, the
object will then rotate in a counter-clockwise direction around
the center as specified, to an angle relative to it's original
position by that angle.
If rotation relative to another entity is required an
alternate value can be entered for the Beginning Angle.
Select "BEG ANGLE" and enter a numeric angle or pick an angle
based on the drawing by positioning two points on the screen.
ProCadd will determine the angle of the direction of an
imaginary line between the points from the first to the second.
The Mirror sub function allows the entity or group of entities
in question to be manipulated such that the image is reversed
or Mirrored about an axial direction as specified.
-> Step 1. Select the Mirror sub function.
DIR -> Step 2. Select the "MIR.ANG." item on the menu and specify the
direction of the axis around which the object will be
mirrored. If the angle is part of the object or some other
part of the drawing, then choose two points on that axis and
ProCadd will display the correct angle.
POS -> Step 3. Select a mirroring point which can be anywhere on the
drawing through which the mirroring axis will pass and around
which the image of the object will reverse itself.
POS -> Step 4. Pick the object to be mirrored by selecting any point
on that object.
Upon selection of the entity being mirrored it will disappear
from it's current position and reappear opposite and
equidistant as relative the axis as specified.
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The Scale function is used to enlarge or reduce the size of any
entity or group of entities. This is not the viewed size but the
actual size.
Enter the Scale menu by selecting the word "SCALE" from the main
menu or by pressing "SHIFT-F2" from anywhere within ProCadd.
POS -> Step 1. Select the entity or group to be manipulated.
POS -> Step 1a If the position of the point selecting the entity to
be manipulated is not the center about which the rescaled size
of the entity is to center, then select "NEW CENTER" on the
menu and position a New Center point.
DIST-> Step 2. Specify a distance either by keyboard entry or by use
of one of the distance facilities at the bottom of the menu
section. This value will be the first or current value in the
ratio dictating the size adjustment.
DIST-> Step 3. Specify the second distance required to complete the
ratio of change by use of keyboard or other facility. A
smaller value than the previous step will reduce the entity
size. A larger value will increase the entity size.
The Translate function is a combination of several previously
described functions. The Translate function will copy, rotate,
scale and mirror an entity or group all at the same time.
To enter the Translate function menu, click on "TRANSLATE" or press
the "SHIFT-F3" key or keys.
The Translate function menu has three parameter variables
controlling scaling, mirroring and rotation. Following are four
sub options allowing recentering as well as repeat options and
translation formats.
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Set the Scale component of the Translate function. Select the
"SCALE=" menu item and follow with two distance entries which
will represent the scaling ratio of the function.
If no change in size is required then set the scale to one.
Set the Rotation component of the Translate function. Select
the "ROTATION=" menu item and enter a Rotation angle which
will affect the object in a counter-clockwise direction for a
positive entry.
If no rotation is required then set this variable to zero.
Set the Mirror component of the Translate function. Select
the "MIRROR=" menu item and enter a Mirror axis direction
which will determine the perspective of the mirrored image.
If no Mirrored image is required then set this variable to
The Drag Box or Drag All option determines whether the ghost
following the placement of the entity or group being
translocated is a boxed outline of the entity or an image of
the entity itself.
If the entity is a complicated subject then it may tax
your computer's resources in managing duplication of the image
as it moves across the screen and therefore may slow the
operator down or misrepresent the entities intended location so
when the box option is used a simple outline represents the
more complicated image and therefore is more easily moved.
Toggle between Drag Box and Drag All as necessary.
In order to use the Translate function, begin by selecting the
object or object group to be manipulated. The point by which the
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object is chosen becomes the placement reference point for the
copy, as well as the center for the scale, rotation and mirroring.
If a New Center is required for scale, rotate, and/or mirror then
after selecting the object, click on "NEW CENTER" and point out the
New Center as desired.
Drag the ghost copy of the object being copied and place it as
necessary. The permanent copy will appear upon placement,
referenced by it's drag point and manipulated as the variable
parameters have dictated.
A "REPEAT" option is available to make identical copies relative to
the previous copy as the previous copy was relative to the
A "BRING OTHERS" option also appears after the original
translation. When clicked on and followed by selection of
alternate elements, those elements will be treated identically as
was the original.
The Attributes function section of ProCadd allows the operator to
change the physical properties of elements within the drawing.
To enter the Attributes menu, click on "ATTRIBUTES", or press
The Attributes menu has six sub functions used to evaluate or
change various properties of specific elements of a drawing.
These are followed by the Attributes status area which works in
conjunction with the sub functions above.
Also the Window View Locator is present and finally the facilities
The Enquire sub function of the Attributes section is used to
qualify the current display status of elements of a drawing.
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Select the "ENQUIRE" sub function and then the element in
The Attribute status section of the menu will then display the
properties of that element.
The Set Layer sub function is used to reassign layer status to
a given element or entity.
-> Step 1. Select the "LAYER" sub function and only the layer
selection portion of the Attributes display section will
-> Step 2. Alter the layer to the desired result by cycling up or
down with the "+" or "-" signs.
POS -> Step 3. Select the element to be modified and it will be
If more than one element requires the same property, repeated
selection of alternate elements will change them as well.
If a mistake is made then clicking on the "RESTORE" command
will reverse the previous action.
The Set Width sub function is used to alter element width.
Line widths are assigned to the width selection numbers in the
Plot section of ProCadd. (See PLOT - Section 10.23)
-> Step 1. Select the "WIDTH" sub function. Only the Width
portion of the status area will then appear.
(procedure continued next page)
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-> Step 2. Alter the current width up or down to the desired
POS -> Step 3. Select the object element to be modified.
If similar changes are required for other elements or entities,
select them next.
The "RESTORE" menu item will reverse the previous selection.
The Set Structure sub function of the Attributes menu is used
to select the line structure type of the element in question.
-> Step 1. Select the "STRUCTURE" menu item. The line structure
property status will appear in the Attribute status area.
-> Step 2. Cycle through the eight status options by clicking on
the sample line element in the status area. The options are
assigned in the Plot function menu. (See Plot - Section 10.22)
POS -> Step 3. Select the object element to be altered.
Select repeated elements to be changed similarly if desired.
The "RESTORE" menu command will return the previous elements
to their previous status.
The Set Color sub function on the Attributes is used to select
the color of the element in question.
-> Step 1. Select the "COLOR" menu item. The color status bar
will appear in the Attributes status area.
(procedure continued next page)
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-> Step 2. Cycle through the color selections by clicking on the
plus or minus signs along side the color bar and stopping on
the desired color.
-> Step 3. Select each element to be changed to the chosen color.
The "RESTORE" menu item will reverse the previous action.
The Set All sub function operates as do all of the individual
Attribute sub functions except that this one alters more than
one at a time. Each item in the status area must be as
desired because when the element to be modified is selected,
each property of the element will be altered to be consistent
with the status area variables.
First select the "SET ALL" sub function, set the properties
and finally select the element or elements to be modified.
The Ellipse function used in the creation of ellipses has several
sub functions.
Enter the Ellipse group of sub functions menu by clicking on the
word "ELLIPSE" or press "SHIFT-F5".
On the Ellipse menu there are four sub functions with options for
the first sub function as well as slope and ratio parameters.
Beneath the sub functions follow the Attributes section, the Window
View Locator and the facilities section.
An Ellipse is a circle that is not round. First we must
determine the ratio of the length versus the breadth of the
ellipse and then we must indicate the desired orientation.
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Point and click on the "RATIO" parameter. This will then
require two distance entries. The relationship between these
two entries will determine the shape of the ellipse.
An entry of "2" followed by an entry of "1" will create an
ellipse twice as long as it is wide and will be displayed as a
ratio of 2.00.
Point and click on the "SLOPE" parameter. This will require a
direction entry that will determine the ellipse's orientation.
This ellipse's axis which is along the longest possible
dimension within the ellipse will arrange itself at the slope
as specified.
> 9.511 ELLIPSE/CENTER/POINT The Center Point option of the
Ellipse sub function assists in the creation of ellipses by
first picking the center and following with a point on the
-> Step 1. Select the "CTR/PT" option of the Ellipse sub
POS -> Step 2. Locate a center position for the ellipse being
POS -> Step 3. Locate a perimeter position point for the ellipse.
Note that the orientation of the ellipse is not affected by
the perimeter location. The ellipse will be drawn a whatever
size is necessary to accommodate both the slope parameter and
the perimeter point.
> 9.512 ELLIPSE/CENTER/RATIO/ROTATION The Center Ratio Rotation
option of the Ellipse sub function allows the user to create
an ellipse by specifying the center, the actual major and
minor radial values and the rotation or orientation angle.
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-> Step 1. Select the "CTR/RAT/ROT" option of the Ellipse sub
POS -> Step 2. Locate a center position for the ellipse being
DIST-> Step 3. Enter by numeric entry or by use of one of the
facilities at the bottom of the menu both a major and a minor
radius measurement. Two separate entries are required.
DIR -> Step 4. Enter the rotation direction that the ellipse should
be oriented to. Enter this variable either by rose or numeric
The Concentric sub function of the Ellipse menu creates
multiple ellipses with the same center.
This Concentric sub function makes use of the presettable
slope and ratio variables.
Point and click on the "RATIO" parameter. This will then
require two distance entries. The relationship between these
two entries will determine the shape of the ellipse.
An entry of "2" followed by an entry of "1" will create an
ellipse twice as long as it is wide.
Point and click on the "SLOPE" parameter. This will require a
direction entry that will determine the ellipse's orientation.
This ellipse's axis which is along the longest possible
dimension within the ellipse will arrange itself at the slope
as specified.
-> Step 1. Select the Concentric sub function.
(procedure continued next page)
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POS -> Step 2. Locate a center position for the concentric ellipses.
POS -> Step 3. Locate a perimeter point.
The ellipse will be drawn upon entry of the perimeter point.
If the currently displayed slope and ratio are acceptable
continue on to the second concentric circle by locating a
perimeter point for the second and repeat until finished.
The Arc sub function of the Ellipse function menu allows the
user to create elliptic arcs by specifying a center and two
This Arc sub function makes use of the presettable slope and
ratio variables.
Point and click on the "RATIO" parameter. This will then
require two distance entries. The relationship between these
two entries will determine the shape of the ellipse.
An entry of "2" followed by an entry of "1" will create an
ellipse twice as long as it is wide.
Point and click on the "SLOPE" parameter. This will require a
direction entry that will determine the ellipse's orientation.
This ellipse's axis which is along the longest possible
dimension within the ellipse will arrange itself at the slope
as specified.
-> Step 1. Select the "ARC" sub function.
POS -> Step 2. Locate the radiant center of the arc being created.
POS -> Step 3. Locate a point to be the beginning point of the
elliptic arc to be drawn. Keep in mind that the arc will be
drawn in a counter-clockwise direction so the endpoint which
is specified first matters.
POS -> Step 4. Establish the ending endpoint of the arc.
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Once the second endpoint has been established the arc will be
The Modify sub function is used to modify ellipses or
elliptical arcs.
Note that when placing new endpoints for the arcs, the
endpoints should be specified in a counter-clockwise manner.
-> Step 1. Select the "MODIFY" sub function of the Ellipse menu.
POS -> Step 2. Select the element to be modified. The location of
the selection point on the element does not matter.
POS -> Step 3. Locate the first new endpoint on the object arc.
POS -> Step 4. Locate the other new endpoint on the object arc.
The arc will be then be drawn in a counter clockwise fashion
from the first to the second point.
The Spline function enables the operator to draw or modify complex
curves by selecting a series of points. The spline line will be
drawn through the path of points as specified with a logical
curving shape.
Since spline curves are not simply mathematically defined but are
more for appearance, they can be modified or shaped rather than
requiring them to be totally redefined.
Enter the Spline set of sub functions by pointing to the main menu
item "SPLINE" or by pressing "SHIFT-F6".
The Spline menu has five sub functions used to create and modify
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Also on the menu are the Attribute status area, Window View
Locator, and the facilities section.
The New Spline sub function allows the user to create a spline
by defining two or more points.
If a mistake is made while points are being defined, the
previous point can be removed by clicking on "DELETE LAST".
-> Step 1. Select the "NEW SPLINE" sub function from the Spline
function menu.
POS -> Step 2. Locate the beginning point of the spline curve.
POS -> Step 3. Locate the second and any further points to be used to
define the spline curve.
-> Step 4. Click on "DRAW SPLINE".
The spline will be drawn from the first point defined to the
last and will intersect all points between.
The Add Point sub function allows the operator to modify a
spline so that the shape may be defined more precisely by
inserting an additional point into the spline point path.
-> Step 1. Select the "ADD POINT" sub function.
POS -> Step 2. Select the spline element to which a point is to be
added. The location of the identifying point is not of
Upon selection of the spline, the existing points will appear.
(procedure continued next page)
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POS -> Step 3. Position the new point to be added. The location
should be between two existing points so that ProCadd can
identify it's order within the spline point path.
Upon placement of the new point, the spline will be re drawn.
If the point being added is an endpoint or if the point to be
added is radically out of line with the existing curve, then
use "MOVE POINT" after placing the added point in a logical
The Delete Point sub function allows the user to modify a
spline by deleting a point from the group that define that
-> Step 1. Select the "DELETE POINT" sub function.
POS -> Step 2. Select the spline from which the point will be
deleted. The position of the point identifying the spline
does not matter. Once the spline has been selected the
existing points will appear for reference.
POS -> Step 3. Point out the point to be deleted and it will
disappear and the spline will be re drawn.
The Move Point sub function allows the user to reshape a
spline by relocating one of it's identifying points.
-> Step 1. Select the "MOVE POINT" sub function.
POS -> Step 2. Select the spline which is to be modified. The
location of the point selecting the spline is not important.
The existing points will appear upon selection of the spline.
(procedure continued next page)
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POS -> Step 3. Click on the point which is to be moved.
POS -> Step 4. Position the object point at it's new desired
Once the new location is defined, the spline will redraw.
The Endpoint Slope sub function is used when a specific slope
is required at either endpoint of the spline. This is useful
when a spline element must make a smooth transition to another
-> Step 1. Select the "ENDPOINT SLOPE" sub function.
POS -> Step 2. Select the spline to be modified by specifying a point
on the spline.
POS -> Step 3. Select the endpoint to be modified. If an endpoint is
not defined, then the endpoint nearest to the point used to
identify the spline will be assumed.
DIR -> Step 4. Define a slope that the endpoint is to orient to by
rose, point entry or numeric angle input.
Once the direction has been determined, the spline will be re
drawn with it's new endpoint slope.
The Fillet function provides the ability to draw a fillet curve at
the actual or extended intersection of two lines. The fillet may
be of any radius. The lines are automatically modified to end at a
point of tangency with the fillet curve where it begins and ends.
Enter the Fillet function menu by selecting the word "FILLET" at
the main function menu or by pressing "SHIFT-F7".
ProCadd Operations Manual
Page 87
The menu contains a Radius dimension variable as well as the
Attributes section, the Window View Locator and the facilities
DIST-> Step 1. Specify the radius of the Fillet curve by clicking on
the "RADIUS" menu item and entering a suitable measurement.
The radius dimension will be qualified as the default units
of measure depending on the current operation of the program.
If in metric mode the radial measurement will be in
centimeters and when in U.S. mode the default will be inches.
POS -> Step 2. Select the first of the intersecting lines to which
the Fillet will connect. The point of selection although
itself is not important must be on a portion of the line that
is being retained.
POS -> Step 3. Select the other intersecting line to which the fillet
curve will connect. This point of selection must also be on a
portion being retained.
If the two lines selected are parts of the same entity, the
resulting fillet curve will also become a part of that entity.
If however, the two lines are separate entities, the fillet
will be a separate element on the current layer.
Any intersecting lines can be connected with a suitable fillet
curve. The radius specified must be of a size appropriate for
the space allowed between the lines. Parallel lines cannot be
The Ports function creates sole points of attachment on elements or
entities. When a Port is assigned to an entity, any effort to
attach a point to that entity will result in attachment to the
entity at that Port.
If a Port is selected on an entity, the Port becomes part of
that entity.
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Page 88
If the Port is selected freely within the drawing and not on an
entity, then the port will be an entity itself which can be
Combined to become part of an entity if desired.
In other words, a Port for an entity does not have to be on that
Ports remain visible on the drawing screen but will not be plotted.
To enter Ports, go to the Ports menu by clicking on the word
"PORTS" or press "SHIFT-F8".
Once at the Ports menu position, the Port or Ports as necessary.
Once a Port is established on an entity, the Port can be temporally
disabled but toggling the Ports position facility to "PORTS OFF".
If multiple ports are desired, the "PORTS OFF" must be toggled to
at one of the drawing functions. When Port restrictions are
enabled, once the first port has been selected, then it is the only
point of assignment available.
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Page 89
The Drawing Files section of ProCadd is available to the ProCadd
user for Drawing File storage, maintenance and retrieval.
The Structure of File storage is within the \DRAWINGS directory.
When directories are created, they are done so within the structure
or directory as is current on the screen.
When the DRAWINGS directory is displayed, clicking on a XXXX.<DIR>
will cause that directory to be displayed.
When in the XXXX directory, clicking on the ".. <DIR>" parent
directory will return up the tree one step to the DRAWINGS
The Drawing Files menu section is entered by clicking on the main
menu item "DRAWING FILES" or by pressing "SHIFT-F9".
Listed throughout Drawing Files routines, are currently specified
files and directories in a format beginning from left to right and
including in the first column the file name with the extension.
Second is the drawing number. Third is the revision number and
finally the description.
The Drawing Files menu section has several options and descriptive
variables that appear and disappear as appropriate with the
activation the various sub functions.
These are:
display parameter actually has three sort type variables.
The first is toggled by clicking on the "SORT" portion of the
parameter. The files will either be sorted according to the
remaining variables or in the case of "NO SORT", be displayed
in directory order.
Secondly clicking on the "NAME" or "DATE" sort type will
toggle between the two and determine the sorted item criteria.
ProCadd Operations Manual
Page 90
Finally sorting can be in "ASCENDING" or "DESCENDING" order.
Clicking on this portion of the variable string will toggle
between the two.
> 10.102 FIND/FIND NEXT The Find option searches throughout all
directories and sub directories for any files meeting the
criteria as specified. The search is conducted throughout the
current directory and any sub directories within it. When
Find is used Find Next will appear beneath it. Once the first
match is located, the find routine will proceed with the
search when Find Next is selected.
> 10.103 FILTER/NO FILTER When browsing through drawing files,
the files as displayed can be limited to certain criteria by
specifying that criteria and toggle the Filter/No Filter to No
When the filter is on and the user is in "GET FILE", the default
search criteria is "*.*". Only ProCadd drawing files will be
displayed for selection.
The No Filter option allows for a complete display of the
current directories contents.
> 10.104 CURRENT PATH The Current Path determines or represents
the file area being displayed in the display area below. The
Current Path can be altered by manually entering the
[drive]:\[dir]\[dir] or the Current Path will automatically be
displayed when the directory tree is moved through by mouse.
Clicking on a directory will take you to that directory and
clicking on the ".." parent directory sign will back you out.
In addition, clicking on the actual path specification will
move the display to that portion of the tree path at which the
mouse was clicked.
> 10.105 FILE NAME The File Name is the unique DOS file name
with up to eight characters followed by an extension of three.
Depending on user preference the file name can be user
generated or ProCadd generated. The option of flexible entry
or ProCadd generated names is decided by a setting in the
parameter file which you can edit by referring to Appendix D -
Parameter File Definitions. When auto generation is active,
ProCadd Operations Manual
Page 91
the specification of the Drawing Number and the Revision
Number will cause ProCadd to assign a File Name. The File
Name will be derived from up to the first ten characters of
the Drawing Number represented by the first eight being the
file and the other two being the first two of the extension.
The final character, or the third character of the extension
will be the first character of the Revision Number.
> 10.106 DRAWING NUMBER The Drawing Number which is chosen by
the user can be any combination of up to fifteen alphanumeric
characters long. The Drawing number must be unique or it will
overwrite an existing file.
> 10.107 REVISION NUMBER The Revision Number is a two character
designation. If a drawing is retrieved and modified, it may
be advantageous to assign a following consecutive Revision
Number upon it's resaving. A unique Revision number will not
prevent the original file's destruction. A common Drawing
Number with a different Revision Number will cause the
original file to be overwritten when the new revision is
> 10.108 DESCRIPTION The Description field is an area where the
user can identify a drawing with text. Up to sixty characters
of text can be entered and will be displayed when browsed.
The New Drawing sub function is used to remove the current
active drawing and begin a new one.
Select the "NEW DRAWING" sub function and a blank drawing
screen will indicate that the objective has been performed.
Upon selection of a New Drawing, the toggle "U.S. UNITS" or
""METRIC UNITS" will appear. The currently displayed option
reflects the active file format of the previous drawing.
Changing to an alternate mode will determine the format of the
drawing as it will be saved only and will not alter the
current user unit status.
ProCadd Operations Manual
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If by selecting a New File, an important drawing has been lost,
it can at this point be recalled by clicking on "RESTORE".
The Get Drawing sub function is used to retrieve drawings from
the archive directories.
Select the "GET DRAWING" sub function from the Drawing Files
function menu.
Use "*.*" for the File Name variable and a complete list of
files will be displayed in the current directory. If there
are more than will fit on the current screen then press "NEXT
PAGE" and the display will scroll forward. "PREVIOUS PAGE"
will scroll back.
Select the desired file and it will highlight confirming it's
selection. The command "GET DRAWING" will appear at the
bottom of the screen. Click on it and the drawing indicated
will be retrieved.
Once a drawing is currently active, ProCadd can use the
Combine Drawing sub function to recall an additional drawing
and overlay it upon the first.
Use the current drawing or retrieve a drawing from the library
to be the first of two drawings to be combined. Select the
Combine Drawing sub function and operate it the same as the
Get Drawing sub function by pointing out the file of interest
to be combined and click on "COMBINE DRAWING" at the bottom of
the screen.
The second drawing will be combined with the first. Initially
the second drawing will be displayed as a single Group until
accepted by moving on to another ProCadd function.
The Save Drawing function allows the operator to store
drawings or Groups from within a drawing for later reference.
(See Group - Section 8.3)
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Page 93
When saving a drawing or group, the user can assign a name,
number and revision to the current drawings being saved.
If desired as described in Section 10.105, ProCadd will derive
a File Number from the Drawing Number and Revision.
If the drawing being stored is an updated version of a drawing
previously retrieved, then normally a new revision number would
be assigned to it and when stored as ProCadd will warn you,
the original will be overwritten.
The original drawing's identity will be displayed as a
reference for you to note.
A unique Drawing Number causes non destructive storage but a
unique Revision Number will overwrite a drawing with a like
Drawing Number.
When you save your drawing, the Entity File is copied in it's
current status to a place and file name as directed. If the
file name already exists, then the file being overwritten is
renamed to [filename].bak.
The user must determine where the drawing is to be stored.
Moving through the directory structure within the Drawings
directory will display their contents. The Drawing will be
saved in the current directory as displayed.
When the drawing being saved has been satisfactorily
identified for storage and the directory location is present,
clicking on "SAVE DRAWING" at the bottom of the screen will
initiate storage.
If there is an active Group then the information "ONLY THE
GROUP WILL BE SAVED" will be displayed at the bottom of the
Drawing Files can be deleted as necessary by selecting the
Delete sub function.
Once at the Delete sub function section, the files in the
current directory will be listed. The directory can be
ProCadd Operations Manual
Page 94
changed or if the object for deletion is in the current
directory, it can be identified by pointing it out at which
time it will be highlighted for confirmation.
Clicking on the "DELETE FILE" phrase at the bottom of the
screen will complete the action.
The Create Directory sub function is used to create storage
area directories where necessary.
After selecting the Create Directory sub function, move to the
directory into which a sub directory is to be created.
Specify the new directory name as will be displayed in the
File Name area.
Click on the "CREATE DIRECTORY" phrase at the bottom of the
screen and the action will be complete.
The Delete Directory sub function is used to destroy storage
area directories.
Prior to deletion, the directory must be empty of all files or
sub directories.
In order to delete the object directory, first select the
Delete Directory sub function.
Then move to the directory to be deleted.
Finally click on the "DELETE DIRECTORY" phrase at the bottom
of the screen.
10.2 PLOT
The PLOT function outputs the active drawing to a plotter.
Enter the Plot function menu by selecting "PLOT" on the main
function menu or by pressing "SHIFT-F10".
ProCadd Operations Manual
Page 95
The Plot function menu appears on the screen which contains Plot
control options available to the user in defining the plot.
Once all of the options are as desired then "START PLOT" will begin
the drawing.
The plot can be interrupted by pressing any function key.
Only the active Layers will be plotted and likewise if there is an
active Group as a warning will inform the user "ONLY THE GROUP WILL
The Plot control variables are described below.
The color samples as displayed on the screen represent the
colors as available to the user when drawings are created.
The number of colors available is determined by the Parameters
file in the Session directory and is default set to the maximum
sixteen. If for administrational purposes, the program should
limit users to a lesser selection, the availability can be
altered. See the Parameters File Definitions - Appendix D.
The Pen Color Section allows the user to assign the output
colors from the drawing to pen numbers of the plotter.
To assign pen numbers to drawing colors simply select the
color and enter the pen number.
If your plotter is multi penned then ProCadd will
automatically select a new pen as they have been assigned to
the drawing.
If your plotter is a single pen plotter and multiple colors
have been selected, ProCadd will plot only pen one first.
Then ProCadd will halt the plot and prompt the user to insert
pen color two and so on until all colors have been plotted.
Note that if a pause is requested between pens, then the
plotter driver must be edited to determine this. See Appendix
E for details.
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Page 96
Shown in the Line Structure Selection section of the Plot
control screen are seven Line Structures. These structures
are the selections available in the Attributes section of
various ProCadd drawing functions to create elements with.
Here in the Plot section is where they are defined.(The
defaults are specified in the Parameters File) If a line
structure here is modified then any elements drawn with that
structure on the current drawing will be modified to the new
structure specifications. Also if any other drawings loaded
while that structure position has it's new definition, they will
also be modified.
In this Line Structure Selection section the sample structures
are listed with the sample line followed by the description of
that structure. The method of describing a structure is by
specifying segment lengths and space lengths until one
complete description of the structure cycle has been
For example: .35,.1,.25,.1 This definition describes a
structure beginning with a length of .35 followed by a .1
space, then a .25 segment and another .1 space.
This represents one structure cycle and the line will repeat
this cycle throughout it's length.(See Appendix D Parameter
File Definitions for exact procedure)
In order to modify a structure, use the mouse or the arrow
keys to move to the structure to be modified. Then use text
entering technique in order to define the new structure with a
comma between each length.
Note that the format and value possibilities have certain
limits and these must be followed to correctly define
structures. See Appendix D for exact definitions.
If the user selects a scaling factor for the plot, the line
length will be scaled but the structure specifics will not.
(See SCALING - Section 10.31)
The Line Widths Selection section is where the operator
determines the option specifications of the line widths in the
Attributes section and therefore on the plot.
ProCadd Operations Manual
Page 97
Listed in this section there are eight line width selections.
These existing default widths are specified in the Parameters
File. See Appendix D for default specifics. The width
selected is the physical width in inches. Also if the drawing
is scaled then the line widths will not be scaled.
When the settings are altered, any lines drawn with that width
selection will be re drawn with the new setting as well as any
other drawings loaded from memory.
Wide lines are plotted by multiple pen strokes. If a line
width is listed as 0.0 then the pen will draw one stroke.
To change line widths select the width to be changed with the
arrow keys or the mouse and enter the new decimal width value.
This section of Drawing Scales allows the user to predefine
and choose from a group of scales to which the drawing will be
plotted. The predefined selections are determined by the
Parameter File default settings. (See Appendix D)
By clicking on the desired preset scale, the plot sizes and
scale listed below on the plot menu will change accordingly.
If one of these Default Drawing Scales does not suit the user
then he can change it at the parameter entitled "SCALE=".
Here a value can be entered. An entry of .10 would determined
that the drawing scale would be one tenth.
The scale can be automatically selected by ProCadd to "best
fit" to the paper size as selected by clicking on the menu item
"FIT TO PAPER". This menu item is, since it would be assumed
to be most likely used, the default selection.
Paper Size for the plot can be defined by selection here.
Click on this item and the size selection will cycle through
five options being "A" through "E".
ProCadd Operations Manual
Page 98
The physical paper sizes are as follows:
A = 8.5" x 11"
B = 11" x 17"
C = 17" x 22"
D = 22" x 34"
E = 34" x 44"
The Paper Orientation is toggled between Portrait and
Landscape. Click on this item and select whichever is
10.26 DEVICE
The Device parameter informs ProCadd of the plotter type to
be driven. A two character plotter designation inserted at
the "DEVICE=" position will determine the identity of the
The device drivers are located in the CAD650\Plotters
directory. (See Appendix D for availability of selections.)
Once a Scale has been selected, either through one of the
preset Default Scales, or by the direct Scale entry, the Plot
Width and Plot Height will automatically change, reflecting the
actual size that drawing to be plotted will be. This will
assist the user in paper size selection.
If a specific scaled size is known or required, it can be
directly entered and the Scale will automatically adjust to
accommodate the size as entered.
In order to enter a pre determined Plot Height or Plot Width ,
select the item to be changed and enter the new value.
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The Top, Bottom, Left and Right Margins are selectable by
clicking on that item to be changed and entering the new
Margin value.
The default in these variables are determined by entry in the
Plotter Driver Files. See Appendix E for parameter entry and
The Drawing Set Up function allows the user to rescale or adjust
the origin of the current drawing.
Enter the Drawing Set Up menu by clicking on the word "DRAWING"
or pressing the "SHIFT-F11" key. If your keyboard will not
support the "F11" key, "ALT-F9" will substitute for "SHIFT-F11".
Note that scale and origin changes are not permanent. They are
only for the current execution of ProCadd.
The Set Scale sub function allows the user to scale up or down
the current drawing.
-> Step 1. Select the Set Scale sub function.
DIST-> Step 2. Use a distance facility to enter a value to become the
first of two in the scaling ratio.
DIST-> Step 3. Enter the second distance for the scaling ratio.
The size of the elements in the drawing as they appear on
screen will not change, however their measured size will change
as the ratio determines.
Existing dimension descriptions will not change and will have
to be re measured if necessary.
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The current scale status will remain and will affect all
drawings until changed or until ProCadd is ended and restarted.
The Set Origin sub function allows the user to reassign the
origin or real center of the drawing.
The real center is the 0-X,0-Y graphic center of the drawing
and may need to be realigned temporally in order to assist the
user in working within a specific area of the drawing.
This change is only temporary and will be reassigned as
original when the current execution of ProCadd is ended. In
other words when ProCadd is exited and restarted.
10.4 EXIT
The Exit function ends the current ProCadd execution.
Exit by clicking on "EXIT" or pressing "SHIFT-F12". If your
keyboard does not support "F12", pressing "ALT-F10" will
substitute for "SHIFT-F12".
The drawing currently active on the screen will automatically be
stored as the Active Drawing and will be reloaded upon re-entering
The storage of the Active Drawing is not permanent storage in the
Drawing Library. This must be accomplished through the Save
Drawing sub function of the Drawing Files function menu.
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Symbols are commonly used graphic representations which can be stored
in a Symbols Library and recalled and inserted as desired.
The Symbols menu is available to the ProCadd user at any time and
is accessed by pressing "CTRL-F4".
The Symbols menu will appear with a set of symbol sub functions
useful in the creation, storage, retrieval and deletion of Symbols.
Beneath these are the options and parameters which appear when
applicable and are used to aid the user is manipulating the symbol
These assorted options are described as follows:
> 11.101 SCALE EQUALS - At the Scale Equals variable the user
can determine at which scale the Symbol in question will be
inserted in the drawing. The Symbol is saved in a size as it
was originally drawn and may need to be sized for the current
Upon selecting the Scale Equals item two distance requests
should follow representing a ratio to affect the symbol when
> 11.102 ROTATION EQUALS - The Rotation variable allows the
operator to enter the Symbol into the drawing at a rotation as
desired. At this variable enter a rotation angle or use the
rose to select a value.
> 11.103 MIRROR EQUALS - The Mirror parameter allows the user
to reverse the image along an axis through the symbol's origin
which is sloped at any orientation. Once the Mirror item is
selected, an orientation angle needs to be entered numerically
or by use of the rose.
ProCadd Operations Manual
Page 102
> 11.104 DRAG BOX/ALL - The Drag option toggles between Box and
All. When on Box, the Symbol being manipulated will be
represented when moved by an outline box. This is
particularly useful when the symbol is complicated and
resources need be conserved.
When the Drag All toggle is present, an image of the entire
symbol will be continuously reproduced as the symbol is moved
until placed.
> 11.105 SHOW AS SAVED/NAME ONLY - While in the Symbols
function, the symbols in the current Symbol File and on the
current page are shown at the bottom of the screen. "AS
SAVED" means that the image of the symbol picture will
represent the symbol. A Symbol would normally be saved as a
picture with a name, however, if it was saved as a name, "AS
SAVED" will display the name.
When "NAME ONLY" is present, only the Symbol's name will be
present to represent the symbol.
> 11.106 PICTURE - When creating and saving a drawing, if the
item picture is selected evidenced by a asterisk, then an
image of the symbol being saved will appear in the symbol
selection area at the bottom of the screen.
> 11.107 NAME EQUALS - If the user wishes to name the Symbol,
it can be done at the "NAME=" item. Text can be entered
up to ten characters. If a name is not specified, the Symbol
will be called "NONAME".
> 11.108 PAGE UP/DOWN - By clicking on the plus or minus sign,
the symbol selection will scroll through the pages of the
current Symbol File. Up to 384 pages are allowed in each
> 11.109 NEW ORIGIN - When creating a Symbol, a New Origin to
be used as a drag and placement point may be preferred as
opposed to the standard center.
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When a Symbol is to be inserted in a drawing, it is done by
simply dragging to it's desired location.
-> Step 1. Select the Enter Symbol sub function.
-> Step 2. Review the available placement and orientation
parameters and adjust as necessary.
-> Step 3. Locate and select the object Symbol by clicking on the
POS -> Step 4. Position the Symbol where desired in the drawing.
POS -> Step 5. Repeat Step 4 and place as many copies of the object
Symbol as desired.
Placement of the Symbol will be centered around the origin of
the Symbol as it was saved.
The creation of a Symbol is begun by first drawing that
Symbol using standard drawings functions. Once complete, it can
be stored in a designated Symbol File and with any name.
Also any portion of an existing drawing that would be
repeatedly used can be saved as a Symbol and recalled as
-> Step 1. Using standard ProCadd drawing procedures, create the
Symbol to be saved or Combine a group to be saved.
-> Step 2. Select "CREATE SYMBOL" from the Symbol function menu.
-> Step 3. Select the entity or group to be saved as a Symbol.
(procedure continued next page)
ProCadd Operations Manual
Page 104
Note that only a permanent "Combined" group can be saved as a
symbol set.
Upon selection of the Symbol, an origin point will appear at
the center of the Symbol set. At this time a new origin can
be specified by selecting "NEW ORIGIN" and following with a
New Origin point position.
-> Step 4. Select a name for the Symbol and whether or not it is
to be saved as a Picture.
-> Step 5. Select the location at which the Symbol is to be
saved and click on that location point.
It is recommended that the Symbol be saved with both a name
and a picture by first entering a name and following up by
selecting picture for the creation. The name can always be
displayed if desired by selecting "SHOW NAME ONLY".
Symbols can be deleted by selecting the "DELETE SYMBOL" sub
function and then pointing to the Symbol to be deleted.
Subsequent symbols can be then selected and deleted as well.
Entire pages of symbols can be deleted by paging to the one
targeted for deletion and then selecting "DELETE PAGE".
There will be a confirmation required which can be done by
selecting on "DELETE THIS PAGE".
Selecting the Delete All sub function will cause the entire
active Symbol File to be deleted.
The option "RESTORE" appears if perhaps the deletion should
be reversed.
ProCadd Operations Manual
Page 105
Symbol Files are where Symbols are stored. Each file can hold one
or hundreds of symbols and each file can be stored in any directory
as desired.
Enter the Symbol Files function menu by pressing "CTRL-F5".
The structure of File storage is within the \SYMBOLS directory.
When directories are created they are done so within the structure
or directory as is current on the screen.
When the SYMBOLS directory is displayed, clicking on a XXXX.<DIR>
will cause that directory to be displayed.
When in the XXXX directory, clicking on the ".. <DIR>" parent
directory will return up the tree one step to the SYMBOLS
Listed throughout Symbols Files routines are currently specified
files and directories in a format beginning from left to right and
including in the first column, the file name with the extension.
Second is the drawing number.
Third is the revision number and finally the description.
The Symbols Files menu section has several options and descriptive
variables that appear and disappear as appropriate with the
activation the various sub functions.
These are:
display parameter actually has three sort type variables.
The first is toggled by clicking on the "SORT" portion of the
parameter. The files will either be sorted according to the
remaining variables or in the case of "NO SORT", be displayed
in directory order.
Secondly, clicking on the "NAME" or "DATE" sort type will
toggle between the two and determine the sorted item criteria.
Finally sorting can be in "ASCENDING" or "DESCENDING" order.
Clicking on this portion of the variable string will toggle
between the two options.
ProCadd Operations Manual
Page 106
> 11.202 FIND/FIND NEXT The Find option searches throughout all
directories and sub directories for any files meeting the
criteria as specified. The search is conducted throughout the
current directory and any sub directories within it. When
Find is used Find Next will appear beneath it. Once the first
match is located, the find routine will proceed with the
search when Find Next is selected.
> 11.203 FILTER/NO FILTER When browsing through symbol files,
the files as displayed can be limited to certain criteria by
specifying that criteria and toggle the Filter/No Filter to No
The No Filter option allows for a complete display of the
current directory's contents..
> 11.204 CURRENT PATH The Current Path determines or represents
the file area being displayed in the display area below. The
Current Path can be altered by manually entering the
[drive]:\[dir]\[dir], or the Current Path will automatically be
displayed when the directory tree is moved through by mouse.
Clicking on a directory will take you to that directory and
clicking on the ".." parent directory sign will back you out.
In addition, clicking on the actual path specification will
move the display to that portion of the tree path at which the
mouse was clicked.
> 11.205 FILE NAME The File Name is the unique DOS file name
with up to eight characters followed by an extension of three.
Depending on user preference the file name can be user
generated or ProCadd generated. The option of flexible entry
or ProCadd generated names is decided by a setting in the
parameter file which you can edit by referring to Appendix D -
Parameter File Definitions. When auto generation is active,
the specification of the File Number and the Revision
Number will cause ProCadd to assign a File Name. The File
Name will be derived from up to the first ten characters of
the File Number represented by the first eight being the
file and the other two being the first two of the extension.
The final character, or the third character of the extension
will be the first character of the Revision Number.
ProCadd Operations Manual
Page 107
> 11.206 FILE NUMBER The Drawing Number which is chosen by the
user can be any combination of up to fifteen alphanumeric
characters long. The file number must be unique or it will
overwrite an existing file.
> 11.207 REVISION NUMBER The Revision Number is a two character
designation. If a file is retrieved and modified, it may be
advantageous to assign a following consecutive Revision Number
upon it's resaving. A unique Revision number will not prevent
the original file's destruction. A common File Number with a
different Revision Number will cause the original file to be
overwritten when the new revision is saved.
> 11.208 DESCRIPTION The Description field is an area where the
user can identify a drawing with text. Up to sixty characters
of text can be entered and will be displayed when browsed.
The Get Symbol Set sub function is used to retrieve Symbol
Files from the archive directories.
Select the "GET SET" sub function from the Symbol Files
function menu.
Use "*.*" for the File Name variable and a complete list of
files will be displayed in the current directory. If there
are more than will fit on the current screen, then press "NEXT
PAGE" and the display will scroll forward. "PREVIOUS PAGE"
will scroll back.
Select the desired file and it will highlight, confirming it's
selection. The command "GET FILE" will appear at the bottom
of the screen. Click on it and the Symbol File indicated will
be retrieved.
Once a Symbol Set is currently active, ProCadd can use the
Combine Set sub function to recall an additional Symbol Set and
overlay it upon the first.
ProCadd Operations Manual
Page 108
Use the current Symbol File or retrieve a file from the
library to be the first of two files to be combined. Select
the Combine Set sub function and operate it the same as the
Get Set sub function by pointing out the file of interest to
be combined and click on "COMBINE DRAWING" at the bottom of
the screen.
The second Symbol File will be combined with the first.
The Save Set function allows the operator to store symbol
files for later reference.
When saving a file, the user can assign a name, number and
revision to the current Symbol Set being saved.
If desired as described in Section 11.205 ProCadd will derive
a File Number from the File Number and Revision.
If the Symbol File being stored is an updated version of a
file previously retrieved, then normally a new revision number
would be assigned to it and when stored as ProCadd will warn
you, the original will be overwritten.
The original file's identity will be displayed as a reference
for you to note when specifying the number to store.
A unique File Number causes non destructive storage but a
unique Revision Number will overwrite a Symbol File with a
like File Number.
When you save your Symbol Set, the Entity File is copied in
it's current status to a place and file name as directed. If
the file name already exists, then the file being overwritten
is renamed to [filename].bak.
The user must also identify where the file is to be stored.
Moving through the directory structure within the Symbols
directory will display their contents. The Symbol File will be
saved in the current directory as displayed.
When the file being saved has been satisfactorily identified
for storage and the directory location is present, clicking on
"SAVE SET" at the bottom of the screen will initiate storage.
ProCadd Operations Manual
Page 109
Symbol Files can be deleted as necessary by selecting the
Delete File sub function.
Once at the Delete sub function section, the files in the
current directory will be listed. The directory can be
changed or if the object for deletion is in the current
directory it can be identified by pointing it out, at which
time it will be highlighted for confirmation.
Clicking on the "DELETE FILE" phrase at the bottom of the
screen will complete the action.
The Create Directory sub function is used to create storage
area directories where necessary.
After selecting the Create Directory sub function, move to the
directory into which a sub directory is to be created.
Specify the new directory name as will be displayed in the
File Name area.
Click on the "CREATE DIRECTORY" phrase at the bottom of the
screen and the action will be complete.
The Delete Directory sub function is used to destroy storage
area directories.
Prior to deletion the directory must be empty of all files or
sub directories.
In order to delete the object directory first select the
Delete Directory sub function.
Then move to the directory to be deleted.
Finally click on the "DELETE DIRECTORY" phrase at the bottom
of the screen.
ProCadd Operations Manual
Page 110
ProCadd has a section available to the user for parts drawing listings,
storage and retrieval.
The Standard Parts function menu is available by pressing "CTRL-
The Standard Parts menu includes five sub functions as well as the
Window View Locator.
First we will explain the standard parameter options used to
identify the parts drawings being stored or retrieved.
These are:
display parameter actually has three sort type variables.
The first is toggled by clicking on the "SORT" portion of the
parameter. The files will either be sorted according to the
remaining variables or in the case of "NO SORT", be displayed
in directory order.
Secondly clicking on the "NAME" or "DATE" sort type will
toggle between the two and determine the sorted item criteria.
Finally sorting can be in "ASCENDING" or "DESCENDING" order.
Clicking on this portion of the variable string will toggle
between the two options.
> 12.102 FIND/FIND NEXT The Find option searches throughout all
directories and sub directories for any files meeting the
criteria as specified. The search is conducted throughout the
current directory and any sub directories within it. When
Find is used Find Next will appear beneath it. Once the first
match is located, the find routine will proceed with the
search when Find Next is selected.
> 12.103 FILTER/NO FILTER When browsing through symbol files,
the files as displayed can be limited to certain criteria by
specifying that criteria and toggle the Filter/No Filter to No
Filter. The No Filter option allows for a complete display.
ProCadd Operations Manual
Page 111
> 12.104 CURRENT PATH The Current Path determines or represents
the file area being displayed in the display area below. The
Current Path can be altered by manually entering the
[drive]:\[dir]\[dir] or the Current Path will automatically be
displayed when the directory tree is moved through by mouse.
Clicking on a directory will take you to that directory and
clicking on the ".." parent directory sign will back you out.
In addition, clicking on the actual path specification will
move the display to that portion of the tree path at which the
mouse was clicked.
> 12.105 FILE NAME The File Name is the unique DOS file name
with up to eight characters followed by an extension of three.
Depending on user preference the file name can be user
generated or ProCadd generated. The option of flexible entry
or ProCadd generated names is decided by a setting in the
parameter file which you can edit by referring to Appendix D -
Parameter File Definitions. When auto generation is active,
the specification of the File Number and the Revision
Number will cause ProCadd to assign a File Name. The File
Name will be derived from up to the first ten characters of
the File Number represented by the first eight being the
file and the other two being the first two of the extension.
The final character or the third character of the extension
will be the first character of the Revision Number.
> 12.106 FILE NUMBER The Drawing Number which is chosen by the
user can be any combination of up to fifteen alphanumeric
characters long. The file number must be unique or it will
overwrite an existing file.
> 12.107 REVISION NUMBER The Revision Number is a two character
designation. If a file is retrieved and modified, it may be
advantageous to assign a following consecutive Revision Number
upon it's resaving. A unique Revision number will not prevent
the original file's destruction. A common File Number with a
different Revision Number will cause the original file to be
overwritten when the new revision is saved.
> 12.108 DESCRIPTION The Description field is an area where the
user can identify a drawing with text. Up to sixty characters
of text can be entered and will be displayed when browsed.
ProCadd Operations Manual
Page 112
The Get Part sub function is used to retrieve part drawings
from the archive directories.
Select the "GET PART" sub function from the Standard Parts
function menu.
Use "*.*" for the File Name variable and a complete list of
files will be displayed in the current directory. If there
are more than will fit on the current screen then press "NEXT
PAGE" and the display will scroll forward. "PREVIOUS PAGE"
will scroll back.
Select the desired file and it will highlight confirming it's
selection. The command "GET PART" will appear at the bottom
of the screen. Click on it and the Parts Drawing indicated
will be retrieved.
When a part is desired to be placed in a drawing, it is first
retrieved using the above described "GET PART".
Once the part is loaded, an additional menu item will appear
called "COMBINE PART".
By clicking on the Combine Part menu item, the just retrieved
part will be combined with the active drawing as was being
worked with when Standard Parts was entered.
The part will be placed in the drawing, centered, and as a
Group. It can then be manipulated with it's Grouped status
until placed as desired.
A Parts Drawing would typically show alternate view angles of
the part with related information and dimensions. In this case
only a portion of the drawing would be desired to be entered in
the active drawing. Once the part is loaded and available, a
portion of the parts drawing can be selected with the mouse and
they will be highlighted indicating acceptance to form a group.
This group will be combined with the active drawing when
clicking on "COMBINE PART". An alternate method of specifying
the grouped portion of the Parts Drawing to be combined with
the Active Drawing is to block it with the mouse.
ProCadd Operations Manual
Page 113
Clicking on a point of the Part Drawing and sweeping diagonally
and clicking again will block a portion of the drawing to be
grouped and combined.
Note that only totally included non-protruding elements will be
selected for the group. Other elements can be selected
The Save Part function allows the operator to store part files
or a Group from within a drawing as a Parts File for later
reference. (See Group - Section 8.3)
When saving a file or a Group as a file, the user can assign a
name, number and revision to the current Part Drawing being
If desired as described in Section 12.105 ProCadd will derive
a File Number from the Part Drawing Number and Revision.
If the Part File being stored is an updated version of a file
previously retrieved then normally a new revision number would
be assigned to it and when stored as ProCadd will warn you,
the original will be overwritten.
The original file's identity will be displayed as a reference
for you to note.
A unique File Number causes non destructive storage but a
unique Revision Number will overwrite a Part Drawing with a
like File Number.
When you save your Parts Drawing, the Entity File is copied in
it's current status to a place and file name as directed. If
the file name already exists, then the file being overwritten
is renamed to [filename].bak.
The user must also identify where the file is to be stored.
Moving through the directory structure within the STDPARTS
directory will display their contents. The Part Drawing will
be saved in the current directory as displayed.
When the file being saved has been satisfactorily identified
for storage and the directory location is present, clicking on
"SAVE PART" at the bottom of the screen will initiate storage.
ProCadd Operations Manual
Page 114
If there is an active Group then the information "ONLY THE
GROUP WILL BE SAVED" will be displayed at the bottom of the
Parts Drawing Files can be deleted as necessary by selecting
the Delete File sub function.
Once at the Delete sub function section, the files in the
current directory will be listed. The directory can be
changed or if the object for deletion is in the current
directory it can be identified by pointing it out, at which
time it will be highlighted for confirmation.
Clicking on the "DELETE FILE" phrase at the bottom of the
screen will complete the action.
The Create Directory sub function is used to create storage
area directories where necessary.
After selecting the Create Directory sub function, move to the
directory into which a sub directory is to be created.
Specify the new directory name as will be displayed in the
File Name area.
Click on "CREATE DIRECTORY" phrase at the bottom of the screen
and the action will be complete.
The Delete Directory sub function is used to destroy storage
area directories.
Prior to deletion, the directory must be empty of all files or
sub directories.
In order to delete the object directory, first select the
Delete Directory sub function.
Then move to the directory to be deleted.
ProCadd Operations Manual
Page 115
Finally click on the "DELETE DIRECTORY" phrase at the bottom
of the screen.
ProCadd Operations Manual
Page 116
====== Page
Active Drawings ....................................... 23
Aligning Elements ..................................... 29
Angles ................................................ 66
Arcs .................................................. 46
Arrays ................................................ 59
Arrow Orientation ..................................... 64
Arrow Size ............................................ 64
Attributes ............................................ 77
Boundaries ............................................ 49
Blocking .............................................. 60
Breaking Lines ........................................ 40
Bring Others ....................................... 54,77
Center Circle Locating ................................ 29
Chain Lines ........................................... 38
Circles ............................................... 42
Colors ................................................ 79
Combining Elements .................................... 62
Combining Drawings .................................... 93
Combining Parts Into A Drawing ....................... 108
Combining Symbol Sets ................................ 113
Concentric Circles .................................... 44
Concentric Rectangles ................................. 42
Copying ............................................... 56
Copying Arrays ........................................ 59
Deleting Files ........................................ 94
Deleting Entities ..................................... 72
Dimension ............................................. 63
Direction and Distance Locating ....................... 31
Direction Facilities .................................. 33
Displayable Attributes ................................ 77
Distance Facilities ................................... 32
Drag Box .......................................... 76,103
ProCadd Operations Manual
Page 117
Drawing Area .......................................... 22
Drawing Files ......................................... 90
Drawing Retrieval ..................................... 92
Eight Directions ...................................... 36
Elements .............................................. 23
Ellipses .............................................. 80
Elliptical Arcs ....................................... 83
Entities .............................................. 23
Exiting ............................................... 80
Extend Lines ......................................... 101
File Name Generation .......................... 91,107,111
Fillets ............................................... 87
Filling an Area ....................................... 71
Filter ........................................ 91,107,111
Find .......................................... 91,107,111
Fonts ................................................. 70
Four Directions ....................................... 36
Getting a Drawing ..................................... 92
Grids ................................................. 28
Grid Origin ........................................... 28
Grouping .............................................. 60
Hardware .............................................. 14
Help .................................................. 18
Hold .................................................. 31
Icon File ............................................. 19
Initializing Damaged Files ........................... 145
Input Devices ......................................... 24
Installation Procedures ............................... 16
Intersection Location ................................. 30
Isometric ............................................. 36
Keyboard .............................................. 25
Last Point Location ................................... 28
Layers ................................................ 50
Level ................................................. 55
Line Structures .................................... 79,96
ProCadd Operations Manual
Page 118
Line Widths ........................................ 78,97
Lines ................................................. 36
Margins ........................................... 99,144
Midpoint Location ..................................... 30
Mirroring .......................................... 74,76
Modify Arcs ........................................... 48
Modify Lines .......................................... 39
Mouse ................................................. 27
Moving Dimensions ..................................... 63
Moving Entities ....................................... 53
Moving Labels ......................................... 64
Moving Spline Points .................................. 86
Moving Text ........................................... 70
Origin, Drawing ....................................... 101
Origin, Grid .......................................... 28
Panning ............................................... 51
Path .......................................... 91,107,112
Paper Orientation ................................. 98,137
Paper Size ........................................ 98,137
Parts Files .......................................... 111
Pen Colors ............................................ 96
Plot .................................................. 95
Plot Margins ..................................... 100,144
Plot Size ............................................. 99
Plotter Drivers ................................... 99,140
Plumb ................................................. 55
Ports ................................................. 31
Position Facilities ................................... 25
Printers .............................................. 95
Ram Drive ............................................. 14
Real World Coordinates ................................ 12
Rectangles ............................................ 40
Repeat Copy ........................................... 57
Reconnect Lines ....................................... 54
Reload Command ........................................ 50
Resolution ........................................ 65,127
Rose Selection ........................................ 33
ProCadd Operations Manual
Page 119
Rotating Entities ..................................... 58
SafeSave ........................................... 12,19
Saving ........................................ 93,109,114
Scaling ........................................... 75,100
Sectioning ............................................ 70
Separating Groups .................................. 61,63
Sizing ................................................ 49
Slopes, Endpoint ...................................... 87
Slopes, Line .......................................... 37
Spline Curves ......................................... 84
Structure; Line .................................... 79,96
Symbols .......................................... 102,106
System Requirements ................................... 14
Tangent To Options ................................. 36,45
TMP Directory ..................................... 14,132
Translate ............................................. 75
Trim .................................................. 39
Widths; Line ....................................... 78,97
Window ................................................ 48
Windows Icon .......................................... 19
Window View Locator ................................... 51
ProCadd Operations Manual
Page 120
Function Key Assignments
F1 = Line Ctrl-F1 = Help
F2 = Rectangle Ctrl-F2 = Shell to DOS
F3 = Circle/Arc Ctrl-F3 = Status/Play
F4 = Window Ctrl-F4 = Symbols
F5 = Move Ctrl-F5 = Symbol Files
F6 = Copy Ctrl-F6 = Parts Files
F7 = Group
F8 = Combine
F9 = Dimension Ctrl-R = Reload
F10 = Text
F11 = Section
F12 = Delete
Shift-F1 = Rotate Alt-F7 = F11
Shift-F2 = Scale Alt-F8 = F12
Shift-F3 = Translate Alt-F9 = Shift-F11
Shift-F4 = Attributes Alt-F10 = Shift-F12
Shift-F5 = Ellipse ESC = Main Menu
Shift-F6 = Spline
Shift-F7 = Fillet
Shift-F8 = Ports
Shift-F9 = Drawing Files
Shift-F10 = Plot
Shift-F11 = Drawing
Shift-F12 = Exit
Function Key Index
Page 121
Font Definition Formats
Fonts are identified by a number known as a Standard Font Number. (SFN)
A font exists simply by virtue of a reference to it's number.
Each SFN may optionally have a name associated with it. The
association between names and numbers is kept in a text file called
The format of this file is the font number followed by a font name
separated by a space. This file can be altered using any text editor.
Stroke data describing a font may optionally be stored in a file named
\fonts\fxxx.s where xxx is the number of the font. If in other
words stroke for font 11 will be found in the file \fonts\f11.s
if it exists. If the stroke data for a font does not exist, then the
font handling utilities will use the data for the default font 0.
Width data for a font may optionally be stored in a file named
\fonts\fxxx.w where xxx is the number of the font. If the
width data for a font does not exist, then the font handling utilities
will assume a mono-spaced font with a 1:1 height to width ratio.
File Formats:
The stroke file has a 32 byte header containing the range of
characters in this font, the number of bytes in each character
description and the cpu code.
The following structure describes the header:
struct HEADER{
char karmin;
char karmax;
int nbytes;
int cpucode;
char unused[26];
Font Definitions
Page 122
Character stroke data is then stored for each character in
ascending order from karmin to karmax. Any character that is not
represented in the data has -1's for all it's data.
Each character description starts with the character code followed
by some number of graphics codes and floating point operands.
The codes are:
1 = line(x1, y1, x2, y2)
6 = end
Codes are stored in one byte.
The width file has a 32 byte header containing the range of
characters in this font, the number of bytes in each character
description and the cpu code. This structure is the same as the
stroke file.
Character width data is then stored for each character in
ascending order from karmin to karmax. Any character that is not
represented in the data has a width of 1.0.
Font Definitions
Page 123
Located in the \session directory of the \CAD650 parent, assuming that
the default has been maintained, is a file named "params".
This file establishes certain characteristics of ProCadd and can
be used to alter these or add some.
There is also a document file named "params.txt" which also describes
formats for modifying this file.
Editing the parameter file will allow the user to customize certain
aspects of ProCadd's look, feel and operation.
Below, contained in this appendix, is a detailed description of each of
these parameters, which if are not present in the user's params file,
are available for use and also their effect on the program.
As noted with some items, they may not be applicable to your particular
version of the program but may however apply to some specific cases.
In general the parameters as supplied with the installation routine on
your program disk will suffice for most applications.
Note: Altering the characteristics of the preset parameter file as
delivered with ProCadd can disturb the normal operation of ProCadd
Also all parameter definitions must be specified in lower case
This parameter reflects a serial number as assigned by the
program's publishers. If the number is not correct, the program
will not start.
Parameter File Definitions
Page 124
The "display=" parameter is where the user can force the output
that ProCadd displays. The standard default that ProCadd
employs is type 2 - standard VGA. If the monitor will not
support VGA then ProCadd will automatically fallback to an
appropriate mode.
If the user chooses to force a mode higher than display 2 then
ProCadd will attempt to display in the specified mode but if it
is not possible then ProCadd will fallback to the first lesser
appropriate mode.
If display type 0 or 1 are used, the drawing area will be
dramatically restricted.
The available options are as follows:
display=0 - CGA/EGA 640x200
1 - EGA 640x350
2 - VGA 640x480 (default)
3 - VGA 800x600 (VESA)
4 - VGA 1024x768 (VESA)
5 - VGA 1280x1024 (VESA)
6 - VGA 1024x768 (C&T only)
7 - Pixelworks MicroClipper
The "windowloc=", or window location parameter determines
whether the viewing screen will be to the left of the menu or
to the right.
The options are as follows:
windowloc=0 - window left/menu right (default)
1 - window right/menu left
Parameter File Definitions
Page 125
The "efubufs=" parameter determines the amount of memory that
ProCadd sets aside as a cache for entity file I/O.
Each buffer unit is 512 bytes. The recommended setting is 10.
The "screen_width=" and "screen-height=" parameters assist
ProCadd in adapting itself to your individual monitor so that
it can display elements as real world representations. In
other words, a two inch line will be two inches long on the
monitor as long as there has been no zoom factor applied.
Enter the appropriate usable screen width and height in
decimal formatted inches or centimeters and the program will
scale the display as needed. Be sure that the units of measure
are qualified.
frame_color=2-> Drawing Area Frame or border color
fg_color=15 -> Foreground Color - menu items
bg_color=0 -> Background Color - base screen color
hi_color=14 -> Highlight Color - color confirmation of menu selection
sel_color=11 -> Select Color - menu header and element selection
For each of the above display color parameters choose from the
following color selection list to customize ProCadd.
Color 0 - black 8 - gray
1 - dark blue 9 - medium blue
2 - dark green 10 - bright green
3 - turquoise 11 - cyan
4 - dark red 12 - bright red
5 - purple 13 - magenta
6 - brown 14 - yellow
7 - soft white 15 - bright white
(parameter description continued next page)
Parameter File Definitions
Page 126
In cases where the user is operating with a laptop or monchrome
monitor we would suggest the following color selections.
This "colors=" parameter is the number of colors available on
your display. This number is determined by the display type
and monitor.
The most common displays allow sixteen colors.
Also as an administrative measure, color selections within the
attributes section as well as displayed in the Plot function
menu will be limited by this parameter. For instance if the
parameter is set to 4 the only the first three colors as listed
in the Plot function menu will be available.
The "structs=" parameter determines the number of line
structures allowed the user.
These structures are the seven line styles as defined below in
this params file with the eighth being a solid line.
This limit if less than the default value eight can be handy
administratively to limit structures available to ProCadd
The "resolution=" parameter value is used to assign display
resolution limits to the program. A default resolution of
"1000" determines that the least definable unit from the
(parameter description continued next page)
Parameter File Definitions
Page 127
display's standpoint is 1/1000 of the default unit of measure
which is one inch or in the case of metric operation, one
If the user were to be drawing an island, this value would
normally be set to "1".
This "min_window=" parameter value assigns a zooming limit to
the program in relation to the above mentioned "resolution="
The value of "250" results in a factor of 250/1000,(assuming
"resolution=1000.0") or 1/4 inch. This limit means that the
maximum zoom, or smallest real window size will be 0.250
Depending on your particular display size the corresponding
zoom limit would be 1/32x.
This limit is installed to prevent visual distortion. If
drawing is desired at levels smaller than allowed by this
parameter, then resetting the resolution or scaled minimum
window size will over-ride the default.
The "pick_app" parameter variable allows the ProCadd Cadd User
to define the proximity limitations as interpreted by the
program in defining specific elements or endpoints by user
noted points nearby.
The defining units are pixels.
For example, if the variable is set as "pick_app=3", any point
which is mouse selected by the user within three pixels of an
existing element or endpoint will automatically be interpreted
as that element or endpoint.
(parameter description continued next page)
Parameter File Definitions
Page 128
The default setting of the program as delivered is a value of
"3". If, however, you are operating a display at above 800x600
or if you would prefer that the program assume location based
upon more liberal proximity's, then you will need to change this
value to "4" or more as is most comfortable.
Display representations of circles or other curved elements are
made up of a group of small chords with varying vectors pieced
together to give a presentation of the desired circle. The
greater the number of units making up the elements, the more
taxing it is on the resources of the computer but with better
The "circle_chords=" parameter is were the user can define that
The "user_units=" parameter determines whether or not metric
units will be used in the program.
When "user_units=" is set to a value representing a metric unit
of measure, it can be considered to be in metric mode.
When in metric mode, the standard unit as defined as one is
centimeter instead of inch.
This mode affects operations including plotter functions,
dimension operations and text sizing.
When this parameter is set to "5", metric operation will not be
default and the standard unit will be one inch.
If this parameter is set to "2" and therefore metric operations
are desired, the user would probably also want to redefine the
"dimresol=" and dim_units=" parameters. These would change the
defaults in the Dimension functions to metric units and a
decimal resolution.
If the user has not specified any values at these related
parameters, the program will default to cm and 1/10 resolution.
Parameter File Definitions
Page 129
Drawing is in metric format, the program will automatically flag
all files as metric unless either the status is switched at New
Drawing or a U.S. format saved drawing is retrieved thereby
changing the internal flag to U.S.
The current values available for "user_units=" are:
user_units=2 - centimeters (metric)
5 - inches (U.S. Standard)
If the "spline_points=" parameter is 0, or false, then when a
spline element is appearing on the screen it will not be
displayed with it's spline path points unless and until it is
chosen as an object of manipulation.
If however the variable is coded 1, then the spline path points
will always be displayed.
If the "drag=" parameter is set as 0, then when using the drag
characteristics associated with functions such move or copy,
the dragged image will be a rectangle outline representing the
object of manipulation.
If though it is set to 1, an actual image depicting the object
will be dragged for placement.
The "may_drag=" parameter option when set as 1 will give the
user a menu option when appropriate allowing the selection of
"drag all" or "drag box" to be toggled between.
Parameter File Definitions
Page 130
If the "loadbnd=" parameter is set as 1, all elements on the
screen will be enclosed in a boundary box rectangle displayed
in red.
The boundary box represents the full extent of the North,
South, East and West components of each element as enclosed.
0 - no sort
1 - sort by name ascending
2 - sort by name descending
3 - sort by date ascending
4 - sort by date descending
5 - sort by size ascending
6 - sort by size descending
This "file_sort=" parameter defines the initial default sort
type when entering the drawing, symbol and parts file
management menus.
The "file_filter=" parameter option determines whether the
filter or no filter mode will be shown as default at the
drawing, symbol and part file management menus.
file_filter=0 -> default is "NO FILTER"
1 -> default is "FILTER"
The "text_size=" parameter is set in decimal formatted inches
as a default text height used in the text editing and dimension
areas of ProCadd.
(parameter description continued next page)
Parameter File Definitions
Page 131
When the drawing is scaled as in the Plot function the text
size is automatically readjusted to maintain it's default or
redefined size as otherwise noted in the text or dimension
The program default text size is 0.1 inches or 0.254
centimeters. If some other text size is preferred to be used as
a default value, it should be entered in the Parameters File as
a qualified value. If the value is unqualified, the value will
be understood as a factor of the default unit.
When the "real_text=" parameter is set as 0, the program will
default as "fast text" on the program menu and will toggle to
"real text". Similarly when this parameter is set as 1 the
program will default to "real text".
The default file name, symbol name and standard parts name
generation option setting determine whether of not ProCadd will
automatically generate the file name as derived from the file
number and the revision number.
If this setting is set to "1", ProCadd will assign a File Name.
The File Name will be derived from up to the first ten
characters of the File Number represented by the first eight
being the file and the other two being the first two of the
extension. The final character or the third character of the
extension will be the first character of the Revision Number.
When the setting is "0", the user must specify a file name
Parameter File Definitions
Page 132
drawings= -> Drawing file storage directory
symbols= -> Symbol file storage directory
stdparts= -> Standard Parts file storage directory
plotters= -> Plotter driver storage directory
fonts= -> Text fonts directory
entfile= -> Entity file location
tmp= -> Temporary directory for file swapping
symfile= -> Symbol entity file location
params= -> Parameter file location
cadfile= -> Instant load file identity
These parameters act as pointers setting the default path for
the utility files and program functions as described.
color1pen=1 -> dark blue color9pen=1 -> medium blue
color2pen=1 -> dark green color10pen=1 -> bright green
color3pen=1 -> turquoise color11pen=1 -> cyan
color4pen=1 -> dark red color12pen=1 -> bright red
color5pen=1 -> purple color13pen=1 -> magenta
color6pen=1 -> brown color14pen=1 -> yellow
color7pen=1 -> soft white color15pen=1 -> bright white
color8pen=1 -> gray
This "color??pen=" variable is used to assign default plotter
pen numbers to colors as drawn in ProCadd using the various
attribute colors.
Generally only a few colors are used as standards and in the
parameter field set the user can customize pen assignments to
those colors as desired.
The "bit_size=" parameter is default set to 0.05. This value
acts as a calculation constant so that ProCadd can resize line
structures for display and plot purposes.
When this variable is set to 0.05 for instance, all below
mentioned line structure definitions must be must be specified
such that each component is evenly divisible by 0.05.
Parameter File Definitions
Page 133
There are eight user definable line structures available to the
ProCadd user, assuming that the "structs=" parameter has not
limited the program to less than eight.
These structures are defined at the "style?=" variables of
which there are seven because the eighth is always a solid
These definitions are represented in ProCadd as the default
structure selections in the Attributes and Plot sections of the
When designing or editing these definitions there are some
rules pertaining to the relative distance values used to
describe each structure/style cycle.
These are:
1. Each entry must be a multiple of the "bit_size=" value as
listed in the parameter above. The default is 0.05.
2. There must be a comma between each entry.
3. The number of values in the definition list for each
structure must be less than or equal to eight.
4. The entry value divided by the bit size is the number of
bits represented by each value entered. The sum of these
representations or the total bits represented by each
definition must be equal to 2, 4, 8, or 16. Style 5 for
example lists values equaling .8. This value therefore
represents 16 bits.
Parameter File Definitions
Page 134
In ProCadd there are eight available line width selections in
the Attributes as well as in the Plot function menu. The
default values for these line widths are specified here with
the "width?=" parameters.
In the ProCadd Plot Function menu there are 15 available
default menu options for drawing scales.
These defaults are defined here in the "scale?=" parameters.
When entering the Plot function menu, only those scales defined
will display.
Parameter File Definitions
Page 135
This "dimresol=" parameter sets the default display dimension
accuracy minimum as is used in the Dimension function menu of
These are the available settings:
10000 - display to .0001 -2 - display to 1/2
1000 - display to .001 -4 - display to 1/4
100 - display to .01 -8 - display to 1/8
10 - display to .1 -16 - display to 1/116
-32 - display to 1/32
If the default user preference were metric then a decimal default
would likely be preferable.
This setting, "dimmark=" determines whether ProCadd will
display length dimensions using unqualified numbers, tickmarks
or units of measure.
These values apply:
dimmark=0 - unqualified
1 - tickmarks (default in U.S. mode)
2 - units of measure (default in metric mode)
The "dim_units=" parameter determines the initially displayed
default unit of measurement when in the dimension function.
The following values are available for this parameter.
dim_units=1 -> millimeters
2 -> centimeters (default when user_units=2)
3 -> meters
4 -> kilometers
5 -> inches
6 -> feet/inches (default when user_unit=5)
Parameter File Definitions
Page 136
In the Dimension function menu of ProCadd, the default
dimension arrow size is determined here in the "dim_arrow="
The program default arrow size is 0.1 inches or 0.254
centimeters. If some other text size is preferred to be used as
a default value, it should be entered in the Parameters File as
a qualified value. If the value is unqualified, the value will
be understood as a factor of the default unit.
Page Parameter File Definitions
Page 13
dim_color=14 -> Dimension arrow indicator color
dim_text_color=14 -> Dimension description text color
dim_witness_color=14 -> Witness color
Using the following color selection chart to choose dimension
aspect colors for the above three parameters.
1 -> dark blue 9 -> medium blue
2 -> dark green 10-> bright green
3 -> turquoise 11-> cyan
4 -> dark red 12-> bright red
5 -> purple 13-> magenta
6 -> brown 14-> yellow
7 -> soft white 15 bright white
8 -> gray
Parameter File Definitions
Page 137
These three parameters determine the default device driver,
paper size and orientation.
Plotter options - HP - Hewlett Packard
HI - Houston Instruments
Paper_size options - A - 8.5" x 11"
B - 11" x 17"
C - 17" x 22"
D - 22" x 34"
E - 34" x 44"
Orientation options - 0 - landscape
1 - portrait
After sending output to the plotter, ProCadd will play a beep
as specified by the "beep=" parameter.
If the value entered is 10, there will be ten beeps generated
on command. To sample or test the beeps press Alt-F2 from
If some other tone arrangement is preferred to the beeps then
save the arrangement and specify the file name as exampled
If more than one beep statement are listed in the params file,
each will be played in it's turn.
Parameter File Definitions
Page 138
color1=7 color8=
color2=4 color9=
color3=2 color10=
color4=9 color11=
color5=10 color12=
color6=5 color13=
color7=14 color14=
If you are retrieving drawings, as saved with a version of the
program prior to version 6.0.5, you will need to enter these
parameters in order to convert the saved colors to those as
recognized with your current version of the program.
The "help=" parameter direct the program to the help execute
file as is relevant to your version of this program.
While within the program the user can shell to DOS and return
to the program by typing "EXIT".
This "shell=" parameter directs the program to the operating
These three "pw" parameters involve the specific support for
Pixelworks video graphics adapters. If you have this type of
hardware, consult your Pixelworks manual concerning these
variables and their required settings.
Parameter File Definitions
Page 139
Plotter Device Driver Definitions
Plotter Cable Construction
Computer Plotter
(pin number) (pin number)
2 -------------- 3
3 -------------- 2
20 -------------- 5
7 -------------- 7
6 ------+
| jumper
20 ------+
Plotter Driver Parameters
Plotter drivers are provided for Houston Instruments and Hewlett
If you have another type plotter, it will probably emulate one of
these. If not, you may need to set up your own plotter parameters
Below are listed some of the parameters which may be listed or need to
be listed in your specific driver.
Use these definitions to modify or create your driver as necessary.
FORMAT TYPE - This parameter determines the program plotter
driver output format.
The available settings are:
format=0 - HPGL - Hewlett Packard Graphics Language
1 - DMPL - Digital Microprocessor Plotting Language
Plotter Device Driver Definitions
Page 140
This parameter describes the type of plotter used.
plottype=1 - Flatbed
2 - Autoscale
Flatbed type plotters are rarely used anymore but if so this
parameter will output to them correctly.
The Autoscale type plotter means that the scale entered in the
Plot function menu of the program is ignored and the drawing is
automatically scaled to fit the paper.
This type also would be rarely used since the Plot function
contains a Fit To Page option.
ARC TOLERANCE - The arc tolerance determines how smooth arcs
and circles will plot. This is specified in terms of the
amount of acceptable error. The acceptable error is selected
in plotter steps.
An arc tolerance of 1.0 is best suited for most applications.
PLOTTER STEPS PER INCH - This parameter is the resolution of
your plotter. This information is in your plotter manual.
Specifying the wrong steps per inch will cause your plotter to
plot elements incorrectly. Most plotters specify a 1000.0
steps per inch resolution setting.
NUMBER OF PENS - Here is where the user specifies the maximum
number of pens that their plotter has.
Plotter Device Driver Definitions
Page 141
PAUSE BETWEEN PENS - If this parameter is set at "1", the
program will stop after each pen number, as assigned in the
Plot function menu, and the program will prompt the operator to
change pens in the case of single pen plotters.
PEN SORT - This option sorts the elements that are to be
plotted by their color. This is useful when you are using a
single pen plotter.
If this option is on, all elements of one color will be plotted
before a pen change is done.
CHANGE THE OUTPUT PORT - This parameter allows the user to tell
ProCadd Cadd which port the plotter in connected to. This
will be one of the COM ports on the system.
COMMUNICATIONS PROTOCOL - This parameter allows the user to
choose XON/XOFF protocol for the driver in question.
A "1" entered at this parameter denotes the use of XON/XOFF
A "0" disables it.
COMMUNICATIONS PROTOCOL - This parameter allows the user to
choose hardwire protocol for the driver in question.
(parameter discussion continued next page)
Plotter Device Driver Definitions
Page 142
This type is the most common protocol and is used for both
Houston Instrument and Hewlett Packard.
A "1" entered at this parameter denotes the use of hardwire
protocol. A "0" disables it.
PLOTTER VELOCITY - This parameter allows the operator to
specify the maximum velocity for the plotter. Valid Choices
are between 1 and 16. If you doing many plots using a fine ink
pen you may want to slow down the plotter to about a velocity
of 4.
If you are using mostly ball point, felt or bold ink pens, you
may want to increase the velocity to 16.
The most common velocity is 16.
In the case of most plotters, the locations as identified as P1
and P2 are bottom left and top right respectively.
If this option is set to "1", these positions are negated.
The plotter is normally connected directly to the machine from
which the user plots. If the plotter is "format=" type "0" or
HP, the program will talk to the plotter using the port
specified by the "output=" parameter to read the current P1 and
The "pen_read=" parameter overrides this behavior to allow the
user to plot to a disk file, network plotter or a plotter
connected to a parallel port.
If the parameter is set to "0", the program will not try to
talk to the plotter. Instead, it will determine the drawing
(parameter discussion continued next page)
Plotter Device Driver Definitions
Page 143
area on the paper using the margin parameters.
As a side effect, if "format=0" and "pen_read=1", the margins
defined in the Plot function are only used to determine
default scaling and are ignored during plotting.
The Left, Bottom, Right and Top Margin plotter parameters are
used to set default margins to be used in the Plot function
variable options.
These settings should be specified in decimal numeric inch
This parameter when set true, or "1" instructs the program to
read hard clip limits from the plotter to determine the exact
size and starting pen position. This parameter is intended for
plotters with pen in center starting points where current pen
position does not specify lower left of the plotting area.
The "read_pen=" parameter when true takes precedence and allows
the manual setting of the pen before plotting.
Plotter Device Driver Definitions
Page 144
1. If there is not a mouse driver currently present, the program
will not start.
2. Occasionally, because of some corruption in the current
active file which is loaded upon executing ProCadd, the
program may have difficulty loading.
The active or entity file can be re-initialized by typing the
following command from DOS.
[path]procad dwgini
Also because of the fact that one of the symbol files, the
one last used, is also an entity file and is immediately
available when needed without calling it up, it may also be
The active symbol file can be initialized by the following
[path]procad symini
Page 145